Teacher Levi x Manipulative Reader AU Pt. 1

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I'm taking an English course at college and my professor is kind of a jerk. He definitely knows what he's talking about and all, but he doesn't seem to be impressed by any of the essays I've turned in. The only reason I find this weird is because in all my previous classes, I've always done really well. So that being said I think it's safe to say he's got something against me.
"Can anyone tell me what metonymy is in literature?"
I raise my hand because I actually do in fact know the answer. We make eye contact.
"No?" Professor Ackerman paces around the room and begins writing on the board, "what a shame."
Are you kidding me? It's always been like this. The class goes on for what feels like hours and I scribble notes down as quickly as I can. He sure doesn't leave us much time to even take notes. I turn to my friend Eren and say, "Professor Ackerman kind of sucks..."
"No kidding," he responds, "he gave me a 62% on my essay."
"That's what I mean. It's ridiculous." I check my laptop to see what my score is.
A 24%?!
"What the hell?" I turn to look at Eren.
"What is it?"
"He gave me a 24."
Eren stifles a laugh and I lightly punch him on the shoulder.
"Not funny. This is such bs. I'm going to talk to him."
The professor struts around his classroom in his conceited manner.
"Class dismissed."
Everyone packs up their things to leave, but I have other plans.
"See you later Eren."
"See ya."
I walk down to Professor Ackerman's desk trying to hide my anger.
"Excuse me?"
He ignores me. I shift on my feet awkwardly.
"What?" He says in a monotone voice.
"I was just wondering about our last essay we did. You gave me a 24 and I-"
He looks up at me now with a piercing glare.
"I gave you a 24 because you deserve a 24 Y/l/n."
"But I went over the essay with you before we turned it in and you said-"
"Don't undermine me."
All of the other students have left. He walks around his desk so we are closer.
"Ask me about getting a better score when you learn how to write."
I look at him irritated now and say, "with all due respect sir, I do believe I can write. In fact, I tend to write quite well."
"Tch. Is that so?"
"Yes actually it is. If you don't believe me I think it's important for you to know that before I had you as a teacher, I always received A's on my essays."
"So I'm the problem then...is what you're saying?"
I stare blankly back at him.
"Go home Y/l/n. I have nothing for you."
I scoff and basically stomp out of the classroom. I'm sure I looked like an angry toddler throwing a tantrum, but in all honesty I didn't care.

"I swear I'm going to slap that man."
"Woah woah, Y/n what's wrong?"
I throw my stuff onto my bed. My roommate Sasha looks at me with a concerned look.
"It's my stupid English professor. He's such an ass."
"You have Ackerman right?"
"Hm I see. I've heard he grades pretty harshly."
"Pretty harshly? I'd say so."
"You talked to him I'm assuming?"
"Yes and it did not go well."
"I know what you could do to make him give you a good grade." Sasha smirks at me.
"What the hell? How about no."
"I was joking...sort of. I mean I've seen him. He's not exactly unattractive."
Sure, but his personality sure is.
"I'm not doing that."
"You coulllld."
"Please Sasha," I laugh now and add, "that is not happening."
"Whatever. Don't say I didn't try and help."

A 92? That can't be right...what is going on? I reload my laptop not believing the score it shows.
I whisper, "Eren look,"
"A 92?!"
"I know...I don't understand."
"Who cares. This is great."
"What did you get?"
"Is he trying to tell you something?"
We both laugh quietly.
Class goes on like usual. He lectures us about this and that. It is always an interesting class, I'll give him that. I go to walk out the classroom after he dismisses us but then,
"Hey Y/l/n. Come here."
I glance at Eren and he just gives me a blank look and waves goodbye.
"About your last essay. It was better than usual."
"Yeah I see you gave me a better grade. I have to say I'm a little surprised."
"Me too."
He stacks papers and cleans the board he was writing on.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Do you have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend?"
"Excuse me?" He drops the towel he was using to wipe off the board. His face is bright red.
"Just wondering..."
"That's really none of your business you know..." He walks over to me leaning against his desk. "But to answer you, no. I don't."
I turn around and walk out the classroom. He calls my name, but I just keep walking. Mission accomplished. I am going to make sure he never gives me a failing grade again. This 92 must be a fluke. I know he isn't seeing anyone. It's painfully obvious by the way he acts. The question was simply just to make him nervous then consider me as someone he'd date. Sasha might've been right after all. But, I'm not like that, so I'm not just going to sleep with him and then be done with him. I'll make him fall in love with me and then this class will be a breeze. I kind of feel like the villain in this story. Am I using him? Yes. Do I want to date him? Yes. So does it really matter? Uhhhh...yeah I don't know about that one.

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