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This is to show a flash back or memory

"This shows when they say their breathing forms or blood demon arts"

Third person P.O.V

While the blonde haired boy continued to beg and plead the poor girl into marrying him. Y/n still sat on the sidelines, watching as the scene unfolded infront of him.

The mahogany haired boy finally approached the weeping boy and pulled him off the girl. "What are you doing?! Can't you see she wants nothing to do with you! You're worrying your sparrow!" He shouted.

The blonde looked up at the boy who had interrupted his proposal. "Wait, that uniform, your that boy from final selection" the blonde spoke. "What do you mean? Don't go pretending like we know each other cause we don't" he stated bluntly and cluelessly.

"WHAAAATTTT!! It Seems To Me That You Have Horrible Memory!!" The blonde shouted as snot ran down his nose. "Please control yourself and clean up" Tanjiro spoke as he then turned to the girl.

"I'm sorry miss, you may leave this to me now" Tanjiro apologized as the girl smiled in relief. "Thank yo-" but she was interrupted by the babbling blonde. "Wait! That girl is absolutely in love with me! Your destroying a perfectly good roman- Ow!" Zenitsu stopped his rambling as the girl had smacked him across the cheek. "I Am Not In Love With You!" The girl scolded.

"Waaahhh!! You aren't! But you came over and hugged me!" Zenitsu sobbed as the girl continued. "The only reason I came over to you was because you were crumbled on the ground and crying! Plus I already have a Fiancé you jerk!" She finished as she then stomped away.

Leaving the two boys to themselves Zenitsu began to scream. "Don't you think your being a bit overdramatic, why'd you become a swordsman in the first place" Tanjiro spoke as Zenitsu began flopping around.

"I had a bunch of debt owed to someone and gramps pulled me out of it! In return he began to train me day in and day out, it was so brutal that it felt like hell!" Zenitsu sobbed as he crouched into a ball and began rolling around.

"Your acting awfully pathetic right now" Tanjiro stated. "That's harsh!" Zenitsu took the statement offensively. "Let's start over, my name is Tanjiro Kamado" Tanjiro finally introduces himself.

"Tanjiro, that's good to know. I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma!" After the obnoxious introductions they began walking away together. Being told by a crow to start running to their next destination. Since bumping into each other happened they are now both on a mission together. It was a silent walk before it was interrupted by a certain noise.

A growling stomach was heard as Tanjiro smiled and offered Zenitsu a onigiri. After Zenitsu saw Tanjiro not eating he had to ask "Are you not gonna eat Tanjiro?". Tanjiro gave Zenitsu a sad smile "That was my last one" Zenitsu felt a little bad and broke the onigiri in half.

Offering it to Tanjiro as the boy looked at him. "Are you sure?" Zenitsu nodded as Tanjiro took the other half and began to eat it. Y/n still followed to two boys with cation in the shadows as they headed into the forest.

Though along the way Tanjiro winced and held his chest for a split second in pain. Y/n noticed this and stared wide eyed at him, using his eyes to try and pick up anything of injury.

Y/n used his somewhat x-ray like vision to see his skeletal structure. Looking up and down he noticed a broken leg, and seeing 3 cracked ribs Y/n gasped 'Poor Tanjiro, he's baring the pain so he won't worry Zenitsu' the demon thought.

Y/n thought hard on what his next move should be. He didn't know whether to help the two and conceal his identity or just have a reunion right now. So that he can take care and keep Tanjiro safe. He would feel so guilty if he had just stayed on the sidelines and not lend a helping hand. Making his mind up Y/n rushed to drop off the basket of firewood at the cave and grabbed his mask.

I'm No Monster. Tanjiro x Demon!MaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now