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Third person P.O.V

Y/n was a young boy who lived on Mount Kumotori with the rest of his family. His mother Lila, father Sanoji, and little brother Kaito. When Y/n's parents revealed that he was going to be a big brother, Y/n was ecstatic. Kaito was named after their great grandfather, Kaito L/n. Y/n was excited after his mother gave birth to Kaito. Of course sadly that celebration was short-lived because soon after, Lila died. She was crushed by a tree and saved your life. Sanoji was the most upset about his wife's death, but gave Y/n and Kaito the most love he could possibly offer. Sure it was rough being a single father but he managed it all, for his kids.

13 year old Y/n's P.O.V. (By the way, you are the same age only a couple months apart)

Descending down Mt. Kumotori to my village I noticed something following me, or someone. I turn around to see a familiar figure standing behind one of the trees. I giggled and turn around completely to face the figure. "Come on Tanjiro, I know your over there!" I shouted. Tanjiro groaned and ran over to me. "Man, I really thought you wouldn't catch me this time" he pouted. I chuckled and smiled at him. "Welp, comes in handy when you know someone too well" I spoke.

Tanjiro puffed his cheeks as his face turned red "How do you do it Y/n?" Tanjiro question as he tilted his head toward me. "I don't know, it's like a tingle or gut feeling when I feel someone around me. Plus, you stomp in the snow loudly" I giggle. "I do not!" Tanjiro exclaimed. I laughed as he continued to pout. Ya see, Tanjiro and I grew up together since our fathers knew each other. Ever since his father and my mother passed we've held each other together. There's nothing that I won't do for Tanjiro and his family.

They've showed me and my family such sweet kindness. I could never repay them full for that. "Y/n?" Tanjiro snapped me out of my thoughts. "Huh? Oh sorry, I must've zoned out again" I chuckled nervously. "It's fine, anyway would you like to come with me to the village?" He asked as I looked at him. His face was so pure, he doesn't know about the villagers hating me. I haven't told him yet, and I don't want him to be angry at them. I mean, I can't blame them though I'm taller than any normal 13 year old boy. 5'8 to be exact, along with my two different eye colors.

"Of course, I mean, I was already heading there so, why not?" I spoke as Tanjiro smiled. My heart sunk but thumped at the same time. It sunk because I don't want to get those looks and rocks thrown my way, but I can't say no to Tanjiro. He's too cute and kind to say no too. "How about I just stay outside the village while you do your thing" I told Tanjiro. "What? No, come with me, it'll be lonely without you" he whined.

"Please come with me, pleeaase" he begged but then used his secret weapon. The puppy eyes, MY ONLY WEAKNESS!!! "Tanjiro no, you know I can't resist those eyes" he didn't listen as he continued to get cuter. Continuing to stare, I faltered, frown and sighed. "Alriiight, I'll go with you" I sigh in defeat. Tanjiro cheered as he then hugged me. I hug back as we start to see the village. As we entered, I already started to hear the whispers from everyone around us. I lowered my head as I just followed Tanjiro.

"What are they whispering about?" Tanjiro asked. I look away and stay silent. "Y/n?" Tanjiro questioned as I just continued to look down. Tanjiro didn't ask any further as we continued walking. "Get Out Of Here Giant!" A kid yelled as he threw a rock. The rock hit my head as I could feel a bit of blood slide down my cheek. "Hey! Don't do that Or Call Him That!" Tanjiro scolded the boy. "Tanjiro, why are you hanging around that giant" a boy older than us asked in a cold tone.

"Because he's my friend" Tanjiro stated. "My boy, he's no friend to anyone, he's a monster" an older man spoke. "NO HE'S NOT!! Why do you keep saying that?!" Tanjiro asked. "Are you blind?! He's taller than normal and has more strength than all of us combined! I saw him take down a tree with a single punch! And then dragged it away like it was nothing. Along with those eyes, one being e/c and the other being oe/c (other eye/color), it's just not natural!" the boy who threw the rock shouted. I looked up at Tanjiro to see his expression.

I'm No Monster. Tanjiro x Demon!MaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now