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Liam sat on the couch, holding his phone in his hands, his thumb just barely over the call button, a button on this contact that hasn't been pushed in over three years.

Liam contemplated pushing it, he looked up on his phone a bit more 12:45 it read, "Way to late, he wouldn't be up." Liam said out loud, he looked up the stairs, to the bedrooms, the rooms Liam and him painted when they found out about Kennedy, when they moved in together, the once pink room, now shades if green and blue, Liam had to call his friends from boxing, one played with Kennedy, Niall did, Niall wasn't in boxing, he was Coach Bobby's son.

Louis also helped paint, more like doing splatter paint all over everyone else.

Nick, Josh, Sydney, and Liam painted the room, and cleaned up Louis' mess.

Liam decided against calling him, he walked up the same stairs he has been for years, he walked past Kennedy's room, he peeked in to see Kennedy sleeping face down, her bum in the air.

Liam smiled slightly to himself, he walked past another room, Kennedy's bathroom, it's just a light shade of yellow.

Then Liam kept walking, soon he came across a guess room, it looks like any classic room, a red and yellow- orange mix.

Soon he comes to the in -home gym, it isn't much, just a few dumbbells, a punching bag, and a few other small things.

And in the corner, Liam and his father, Geoff, made it when they found out about Kennedy, it's a small monkey bars, it isn't taller that Liam's shoulder, but it is how Kennedy works out.

You would not believe how many times Liam has had to fight state, friends, and random people for custody of Kennedy, people think Liam is not letting her have any fun, so people want to out her in foster care or an orphanage.

Liam then came to the last two rooms, the master bedroom and another one, he doesn't sleep in the master, he hasn't been able to, too many harsh memories, too much pain.

Liam thought about the last time he's been in the master bedroom, his ex is now a big shot musician, he only sings, so Liam doesn't consider him a musician, but Liam payed all of the bills when they were together. So the house is considered Liam's, they were never married, just boyfriends.

"Daddy, Daddy help, he's trying to hurt me!" Kennedy's screams soon engrossed Liam, until he ran to Kennedy's room, he threw open the door, all to get to his daughter who was having a night terror, you aren't suppose to wake someone up who is having a night terror, it would confuse them, and just make them more scared, so Liam did the next best thing.

He quietly walked over to his daughter, picked her up in her arms, being sure to grab her favorite bunny, the only spot of pink in her room, and carried her to him room, laying her in his bed.

Liam walked in a bathroom and changed into some pajama shorts, and grabbed a random tee shirt, and then he crawled into bed with Kennedy, hoping her kicking and thrashing will soon stop, and she will wake up, and Liam will hug her, and tell her everything will be okay, but it won't not with him on the lose.

Kennedy woke up about an hour later, Liam's shins, and abdomen was black and blue from Kennedy's kicking and moving, "D-daddy, it was horrible, h-he, Daddy, I don't want to fall asleep." Kennedy cried then she threw herself at Liam, crying into his shirt, Liam didn't know what to do, there isn't a parent guide, so there isn't a guide about what to do when your child has night terrors, so Liam hugged his daughter, brushing her brown hair out of her face, giving her a few kisses on the nose, or top of the head.

Soon Kennedy's crying didn't calm down, so Liam picked up Kennedy and Speckles, her pink bunny, and walked to the kitchen.

"Daddy? What are we doing?" Kennedy sniffled out, Liam's heart clenched, he remembers the horrible events, Kennedy doesn't, so she just thinks she's having bad dreams, not reliving something.

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