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Hi my name is Sky, Sky Davis. I'm only 16 in human years. Truly I'm around 100 years old. I'm what you would call a lycan. I have black long wavy, shadow like hair with a streak of blue in my hair. I have tan skin with dark blue almost black eyes. I normally wear black jeans or leggins with a black jacket tied around my waist to hide my wolf tail. I also wear a black beanie to cover up my wolf ears, Unless I wanted to use my powers to hide them.

My senses are also heightened by 15% and my eyes change to a light glowing blue when I'm really mad. You may be thinking 'She's lying' Or 'It's just a phase sweetie' But where in the book does it say someone can turn into a wolf when they want or can hear up to 2 miles (3520 yards) away? It isnt in the book!

Now you may be thinking I'm a wild beast or I'm going to harm you. Well your wrong I wouldn't harm a single hair on someone's body unless they were trying to harm or bully someone that is younger than me or an elder, but I don't go overboard with it I only do what I have to to protect the person. It turns out that it is an instinct to protect someone who is and elder or younger than you. I know this because my mom looked it up becasue of how many times she was called to the principal's office... Heh.

But anyways.... My mom doesnt freak out about me being a lycan. But when I shed my mom gets so annoyed. Its kinda funny when mom gets mad about the fur, But when she rants to me about it I cant help but want to laugh and I can tell she doesnt get mad at me becasue I do clean up the fur after words but Its just funny.

Back to reality

I walked out of my school in jasper Nevada. I saw the boy Vince bullying my best friend Raf. I growled and started to walk over to them.

"Hey four eyes looking for this?" Vince asked, Vince a green eyed ginger with self esteem issues and to make himself feel better he bullies and flirts with she-wolves.

"Give it back vince!" Raf yelled trying to grab his bag that was just inches from his grasp.

"Not a chance nerd!" Vince tossed the bag to his friend.

I caught the bag right before Vince's friend got it. I looked at vince with my eyes a light blue as they glowed under the visor of the base ball cap I was wearing to hide my ears.

"Two dumbafts picking on a kid for his lunch money, How sweet." I said and a few kids started to stare at the two boys.

"How about you leave shortie here out of this and your self esteem may heal Vince." I challenged the boy.

They both glared before running off like wolves with their tails between their legs. They ran over to a group of she-wolves (They aren't wolves but that's what Sky calls girls). These girls are always violating dress code 24/7.

"Here you go Raf" I said to Raf gently handing him his bag.

"Thanks. Thanks for also standing up to those bullies for me Sky." Raf thanked me as I picked up his math and RC car controller.

I handed them to him.

"Hey man want to go racing?" I asked him and he looked up at me and grinned.

"Yes!" He grinned with determination.

"Awesome, Lets go" I grinned.

"Race ya to the overpass" Raf said and we both started to run.

I joged keeping up with him. We soon got to the overpass and started to race. We were there for two hours or so. We were neck and neck in a mini competition.

"Vroom, vroom" Raf narrated

A few minutes later his phone started to ring. We both stopped to let him talk on the phone.

"Hi momma, Racing, Right up the street with a friend. Okay five more minutes? Thanks!" He exclaimed

"Only a couple more loops, I'm gonna win!" I exclaimed joking.

(After the whole robot thing and next day at school)

I chatted with Miko a friend of mine from when we were younger. Miko Nakadai is a japanese exchange student from Tokyo. She is into Punk rock and isn't one with rules. I looked at what she was drawing and almost went pale. She was drawing the motorcycle from last night.

"Hey miko I got to go" I said and she nodded not really paying attention as I walked over to Jack.

"Forget anything ever happened" Jack said and Raf nodded sadly.

I looked at Raf with a small smile and shrugged. I heard a horn beeping. The three of us looked over and saw the black and yellow camaro from last night.

"Jack!" Raf gasped

"Oh not again" Jack complained.

The camaro opened his door

::Girl younger boy mind riding with me? The older boy gets Arcee over there:: I nodded.

"I-it wants us to get in" Jack stuttered.

I was about to burst Jack's bubble but Raf beat me too it.

"No, Just us" Raf indicated to me and himself.

"How do you know that?" Jack asked.

"He said so" Me and Raf said in unison.

I walked around to the drivers side and sat down gently closing the door. Raf and Jack talked for a minute before he climbed in.

"How's it going?" Raf asked the Camaro.

I chuckled and pat the steering wheel. We drove for about ten minutes. We were finally pulling up to a plautto. Little issue though, we were headed headed straight for it and showed no signs of slowing down.

"Umm sir, why are we headed straight towards a wall?" I asked my ears now pinned to my head under my hat.

The car chuckled and the wall opened up revealing a long hallway. When we got toward the end there was a huge room.

"Woah..." Raf trailed looking at the two other bots in the room while a white and redish orange bot glanced at us from his computers.

Another bot was a bulky army green, black and silver bot walked in chin high. The three wait sorry four of us got out/off of our respective vehicles.

"Sky!" Miko shouted and tackled me to the ground. I chuckled as I hugged her.

"I thought there were three?" The white and redish orange bot stated.

"Haven't you heard humans multiply." Arcee snipped.

I stood up and walked over to Jack and Raf

"I'm Raf" Raf said being the polite boy he is sticks his hand up.

"Im miko" Miko joged over to the green bot's foot. "Who are you?" He looked down at her.

"Bulkhead?" He answered cautiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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