"Dad? Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Yes, sweetheart. Don't worry." I answered while composing myself.

It's impossible. She's already dead.

Avyanna's twin is already dead. Natalia is already dead.

We buried her body and have a grave for her which we visit every year. We had an autopsy and confirmation that the burnt infant's body was hers.

She must've been someone who looks like her.

"Come, let's go to your mom." I smiled at my daughter as we both walked toward Liz who is busy talking to her colleagues.


I patted myself off when the man was already unconscious on the floor. The lady on the other hand is crying in the corner.

"I'm sorry miss but you need to forget what happened here." I smiled at her slowly walking toward her as I injected something into her neck.

It's a type of drug that will make her forget what occurred in the past twelve hours when she wakes up.

"I got the guy. He already confessed." Aries barged into the restroom but suddenly stopped when he saw the man on the floor.

"Huh? But this guy was attacking her when I got here." I confusingly say.

"Shit. So there were two of them?" Aries concluded.

"I think so."

We both dragged two of the man out and placed them in the van, hands cuffed together. We left the lady there because for sure someone will see her and tend to her.

"I stumbled upon my sperm donor there." I let out a heavy breath as I relaxed in the seat next to the driver's seat where Aries is. "Delete all footage of me in that event. He might investigate further."

"Already done. Dad had a team that edited the CCTV videos. We made sure that neither you nor I was seen there."

Thank god.

"I think I'll go back to Italy. I can't stay here any longer." I looked out the window, fixing my gaze on the tall buildings. Aries remained quiet and continued to drive.

It's going to be an hour-long drive until we arrive at their headquarters.

"You really can't stand them, huh?" He said out of the blue.

"Seeing them being that happy family pisses me off. You know, I tried to dig deeper into them yesterday." I started. "At first, I thought what if I was kidnapped. Because you said that they value family more than anything else. So it's impossible that they would just give me up, right?"

From my peripheral vision, Aries glanced at me quickly before returning his eyes to the road. "But I found out that they never searched for me. Either in the police departments or in the underground. None."

I sadly chuckled at the thought, "Leaving me to die in his hands was painful, yes. But whenever he showed me videos and photos of them being the happy complete family, fuck that broke me."

We were both quiet as we drove on the busy streets of L.A at this time.

"Anyways!" I clasped my hands and happily looked at Aries.

I don't want too much drama.

"So can I like, play with them? I miss torturi—"


Aries immediately cut me off not letting me finish. "You're no fun. What if they escape prison, huh? What would you do? Of course, it would be more impossible to catch them again."

"They won't."

I rolled my eyes at him. I'm not giving up.

"I haven't killed nor tortured anyone for like a month now." I looked at him with pleading eyes. "Please, please, please. I really want to de-stress and I promise they won't know."


"Fucking bitch." I whispered.

"I heard that."

"Thank goodness."

We were both quiet again but I really had the urge to torture someone right now. "If you don't let me torture them, I'll go on a killing spree," I smirked as looked at him.

He sighed in defeat which made me smile wider because I know he already lost.

"Thirty minutes. But not too messy, Nat."

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