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You were never one to believe in superstition or fortune-telling. You always thought these were barriers set to limit an individual from doing the barest of all bare activities. You plotted it to the government trying to stop the traffic flow in the streets when officials were in a rush to attend whatever function they had to be at even if it wasn't of any importance or simply the elders trying to control teenagers from doing bizarre shit that could embarrass the whole family.

Tonight, you're here in a memorial home to extend your condolences to your best friend who lost her cousin to a bad brawl that didn't really concern him in the first place.

It was a matter of the wrong person in the wrong situation. Sitting there beside her wailing figure, you guessed she had missed a number of days with sleep yet she never ran out of tears to cry. Apparently, she was very close with him growing up. Unfortunately, the two of you were never introduced to each other but here you are paying your respects.

"He had so much going on for him. He was always good at everything," your friend utters as she wiped away her tears.

"I'm sure he's in a good place now with no pain," you tried to reassure her.

She sighs deeply and shakes her head, "I just..I wish it wasn't him. It shouldn't have been him in the first place. They got the wrong person, Y/N."

You didn't exactly know her pain but you understood it had dealt with losses in your life as well. When she asked you if you wanted to come forward to the casket to have a glimpse, you politely declined. There were two things you were scared of – looking at caskets and ghosts.

The fallacy of unfounded beliefs never scared you except for ghosts. No matter how crazy it is to explain how they're not real you just can't seem to get over that fact. It still scares you shitless.

"I'm heading home now. Let me know if you need anything and I'll come back here, alright?" You gave your friend a tight hug.

"Okay, but go have coffee somewhere before going home"


"You know, so spirits don't follow you," she rubs at her arm knowing you wouldn't buy it.

"I know you don't believe in any of those things but just do it to be sure," you nodded and made your leave. Of course, you didn't follow her advice.

You were too tired from work and only went straight here because you wanted to be there for her and her family and right now, beliefs have no space in your mind let alone energy to kill time you didn't have for the day. As soon as you got home, you went straight to your bed and called it a day. Too sleepy to be bothered with taking a shower first. You had insomnia and found that exhausting yourself usually does the trick to catching on sleep.

You woke up earlier than your alarm clock so you decided to make yourself a cup of coffee to drink while you made your way to your condo's balcony. Your peripheral vision caught on your new neighbor who was taking in the view with a smile.

'So that's what my neighbor looks like' you thought. He turns his head towards you, almost shocked that you were also staring at him. He nods coyly at you which you returned.

"Good morning," you greeted him.

"Oh uh yeah, hi. Good morning," he looked like he was stunned, his face painted with a lot of emotions but mostly confusion.

"I've never seen you come out to your balcony," you couldn't help but say. In your defense, you were kind of curious.

"I'm always outside, just not here," he shrugs.

"I'm Jimin by the way."

"Y/N. Good to finally see you, neighbor," you raise your cup of coffee at him.

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