They'll be gone by the morning.

Raphael had another thing coming if he thought he was going to get his hands on me.

2 months later


I was in Brazil now. Stripping as always. I had been working at this club for about a month, I really liked it and the girls were nice for a change. I didn't work or anything when I first came here. I wanted to lay low and just get to know the town.

Raphael lost my trail 2 weeks in. It was cute he thought he could keep up though. After the first week of him chasing me, I would leave little clothes behind for him. Panties, bras, things like that. After I left New Jersey I realized he was chasing me because he had a little crush on me. Not because he wanted to hand me over to my father.

It was cute.

I said bye to everyone at the club and started to walk home, but not before I stopped at a food truck. I got two stuffed tacos and ate them while dancing back to my house.

I got home and I flipped on the light and was met with a very angry Raphael.

I scoffed and put my purse down.

"You know I've had stalkers but none to your extent"

"You killed three of my best-trained men"

"Sounds like they need better training then" I smiled "Did you find the bodies?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Cotton Candy" He rolled his eyes and stood up "Be careful" I warned him

He kept walking towards me "Or what?"

I pulled my pocket knife out opening it and throwing it in his shoulder, then pulled my gun out shooting the other two men, and shooting Tyler in the shoulder. "That's what"

He pulled the knife out dropping it to the floor "You're good"

I smiled "I know. Now get the hell out of my house"

"I can't"

I walked over grabbing Tyler yanking him up, making him yell out "I will kill him"

"No, you won't. If you wanted to you would've like you killed the other two."

"You're right" I pushed him to the ground and shot him in the leg "I will fuck your best friend up" He pulled his gun out pointing it at me "Aww soft spot?"

He shoved me against the door pointing the gun to my jaw "That's five guys you've killed. You're starting to piss me off"

I grabbed his hard dick "Am I?" I chuckled "Did you get the gifts I left you?"

He grabbed my throat shoving me into the door and kissing me. He shoved his tongue in my mouth and I sucked on it, I grabbed the back of his head deepening the kiss. He tightened his grip on my throat and I moaned. I pushed him off of me "Sorry I don't do mafia men"

He chuckled "So you do know"

"That's nice y'all chatting and everything but can I get some fucking help please" Tyler groaned out.


I grabbed Tyler sitting him on her bed.

She went to the bathroom and came back with a first aid kit, some scissors, a needle, and thread. She opened it up and poured peroxide on his wounds making him hiss. She grabbed the scissors and pulled the bullets out then stitched him up.

"Here" She handed him some whiskey "Drink up"

She closed the door and we went in the kitchen stepping over the dead bodies in the process "You hungry?"

"You just had a gun pulled out on me and now you're offering me food?"

She shrugged her shoulders "Yeah?"

I laughed "No I'm alright"

"So you guys really have to go," She said "This has been fun and all-"

"Who are you running from?"

"You," She said laughing, "I thought that was obvious"

I shook my head "Mm somebody else. What's your name? Today at least"


"Will I ever know your real name?"

"No" she crossed her arms "Why are you so interested in me?"

I shrugged "I like what I like and what I like I get" I twisted up a strand of her hair and she pulled away.

"Well don't. Like I said I don't do mafia men" She pushed past me

"I can help you. You know, hide from whoever or whatever your running from"

She turned around and shook her head laughing "No Raphael, you'll make it worst."

"You know my name?"

"It would be stupid of me not to know the leader of the Mexican Mafia"

I nodded my head "I'm going to say something you don't have to say if I'm right or wrong, but just hear me out"

"I'd rather you get out of my house"

"You used to be in the mafia and now you're running from them. Because everyone knows it's only one way out. That how you know my name right?"

She rolled her eyes "Unless your dense or something I suggest you stop talking to me. Nobody used to be in the mafia and nobody is running from them"

"Liar" I chuckled

"Pussy" She smiled at me.

Make It Worth It (ITIB Book 3. Unedited.)Where stories live. Discover now