Then the Princess strode quietly down the hall with the Duke. Her nerves started ratcheting up and threatened to overtake her the closer they got to the King's rooms. She clenched her right hand on the fabric of her dress as she often does when nervous.

Once they arrived, the guards allowed them entry. Immediately different pairs of eyes met the Princess. She stood looking at her husband and father. Both seem tense and upset. Mary came to stand behind a chair and held onto the back of it for support. She expressed great concern for her father when the chair's back felt secure in her hands. "Father, I heard about the Queen's detainment. I am sorry for this. I'm sorry you're hurt and must endure the shame of another Queen's wrongful behavior. I love you, and I'm praying for you."

Mary saw her father's face soften, and he wiped a few tears away. But she needs him to understand she cannot take on the responsibility of her baby brother. "At the same time, I'm unsure if I can do what you ask of Charles and me. I don't know if I have it in me to take my baby brother into our home. It's so soon after the loss of our own baby. Perhaps a few months down the road, we can revisit this conversation. I hope you'll understand and not assume that we don't care because we do. We care about you very much, as do the children. They ask about you all the time."

Again the King thanked the Lord that words were spoken to give the awkward conversations a good entry. Henry walked over to his daughter and took her by the hand. He stated softly, "Mary, my dear Mary. You have no idea how much your words of concern mean to me. But you're mistaken. Here have a seat in my chair." He directed her to sit in his plush red velvet armchair.

As she sat down, Her Highness eyed the man with uncertainty. He never lets anyone sit in his chair. Then she scanned the faces of the other men in the room. They're all the same, basically tense and on edge.

Henry knelt on the ground beside the chair. He placed an arm around his daughter's shoulders, and he spoke. "Mary, you've been through a tough time. I would not ask it of you to take in your baby brother. That would be heartless and cruel." His voice started to waver and catch in his throat. "However, I do ask that you take in your son instead." Even as he said the words, they felt strange on his lips. The lump in his throat grew, and his eyes became moist.

Mary grew silent. She couldn't believe her ears, and a few tears began prickling her eyes. Her face changed into a horrified expression, along with her voice. "I can't believe you would say such a thing! You know I lost the baby! Why would you say that?" Her fingers began wiping tears away.

In a flash, Charles rushed to his wife's side. He knelt in front of her and took her hands into his own. His heart is heavy, his forehead is deeply furrowed, and his eyes are red from crying earlier. But still, he croaked out the words, "Darling. What he said is true."

Wiping the tears from her cheeks, Mary admonished her husband. "Charles! Stop saying such a thing! Our baby is dead. Paisley and Anne saw it. I don't want to hear these lies anymore."

The Archbishop stepped in and addressed the Princess. "Your Highness, if I may, I would like to elucidate this matter. Since you are aware, the Queen is detained in her rooms under guard. Then I'm sure you have a reasonable guess as to why. We don't need to rehash that at this moment, but the woman needed to be pregnant in order to retain her title. She needed your father---"

Henry interrupted the older man by saying, "Hoodwinked. She deceived me in the worst ways possible. It's because of this great bamboozlement you're here, Mary. Please continue, Cranmer." He motioned with his hand to go on while his other one rubbed his daughter's back.

As the Archbishop spoke, Charles kept his eyes locked with his wife's and his hands on hers. Cranmer continued the tale. "Yes. Except, you see, she wasn't pregnant. Catherine faked her pregnancy. She had Lady Rochford purchase baby bellies from a seamstress in Norfolk. One for each of the changing expectant mother's body." He paused when he saw the Princess start to say something.

The Pearl of Great Price Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now