Prologue: Death of a parent

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We all know of the mhaverse: where one has Izuku inheriting OFA and becoming a hero, or where he's been denied his dreams and broke due to what he's been through and becomes a villain. One where he becomes a vigilante or another where he doesn't become a hero. Most of these have him gain a quirk or power forgotten while keeping his mother by his side.

But what if we go to a universe where Izuku loses his mother after finding out he's quirkless and runs off to avoid going into the system. One where he finds someone hidden from the world and helps him utilize power from ages before quirks. The power I am referring to is magecraft.

To watch this universe, we have to go where almost all others begin: the visit to the quirk doctor, where all quirkless Izukus have their lives turn unknowingly.

~~~{3rd pov, at the quirk doctor}~~~

"I'm sorry to say this, but you should give up on being a hero. you won't be getting a quirk at all." Q.D. (Quirk Doctor) says, getting the same reaction as canon. "B-but how, me and his father both have quirks." Inko asks the Q.D., who responds "I do not know how, since it is rather rare for quirkless to be around, so he won't be treated with kindness in this era."

Izuku is still in shock about all of this, he still wants to be a hero yet this happens to him. Izuku is still believing he will be able to be a hero. what he doesn't know yet is that his bad day is going to become even worse. After spending a little longer there, the mother and son duo leave the office to head home, unaware that they are heading towards a villain attack.

As they were nearing home, they come across a villain attack and Inko asks Izuku if he wants to watch the fight between hero and villain. Izuku nods absentmindedly, wanting to get his mind onto something else at least temporarily. Now this villain fight was happening within a solid 5 minute run to a forest for a 4 yr old, so keep this in mind.

Now then as they were watching the fight, a stray projectile goes towards the crowd and most, MOST, of the people watching get out of the way. the only person who doesn't dodge is sadly Inko midoriya, who was trying to make sure Izuku doesn't get hit by said projectile. Seeing his mother being hit by a projectile, he stands in shock before crying. "Mom... Mom please respond... I don't want to be alone!" Izuku cries out.

His mother weakly responds "Izuku *coughs* I know I haven't got much time left. *raspy breath* I want you to know th-that I will always *cough* love you. No m-matter what you do, just k-know I will be watching." An ambulance was called during the time the mother was talking to her son, however most of the civilians know that the ambulance won't be making it in time.

Once Inko passed away, Izuku was in tears and ran to the forest while on adrenaline. Meanwhile, some civilians tried to stop him, but quickly stopped when they lost him.


It has been 25 minutes, and Izuku has finally run out of adrenaline due to not wanting to be near his dead mother. Once he stopped running, he dropped to the floor and starting crying the trademarked Midoriya tears.

{roughly 10-15 mins later}

Once he's stopped crying, he takes in his surroundings and sees himself in an unfamiliar place. 4 yr old Izuku managed to get himself lost in the forest, unaware of the direction he came from. He wanders a little, trying to find a way out so he can go to his mother's funeral, whenever that may happen.

He is still tired from running that long, he's only 4. However, now he is thirsty and hungry. While trying and failing to find his way out, he stumbles across a bush with berries and the sounds of water being heard nearby.

Thirsty and hungry, he quickly grabs some berries and eats them, just wanting some food to at least quench his hunger while he goes to the river and drinks from it. He also grabs as many berries as he could and put them in his rather small pockets. Admittedly the berries haven't done anything yet, but Izuku don't know if they will do anything.

He manages to stumble his way to the sound of water, not used to the terrain he is in since he had arrived there roughly an hour and a half ago. However, he will get used to it and potentially excel in that terrain, since his will somewhat reminds of the will of fire from Naruto.

However, Izuku being but a small child, doesn't fully understand that there can be danger, especially where he is. Thankfully, there still is the fight or flight instinct that he has. As he was drinking from the stream, he heard a low growl behind him.

He slowly turns around, to see a wolf behind him. Izuku starts running because he wants to get away, not realizing that the wolf wasn't interested in chasing him and wants the human to leave his drinking spot.

Izuku didn't run very far, due to being a 4 year old. Before you have a go at me, I mentioned earlier that he was running on adrenaline and because of that, he was lucky to even stay awake before dropping and crying.

During his pant, he noticed was getting dark. He also doesn't know if he could make a shelter or if there was a nearby cave he could use. So he decides to go back to that bush where he got his food from and sleep in it. At least until he can get a better place to rest.

{The next morning}

Izuku wakes up the next day, with his stomach rumbling due to the fact he didn't have anything other than berries as food for last night. He, for a smart 4 year old, decides to head back down to the river to get a drink before following it upstream.

As he was drinking from the river, he was looking around and spotted a couple fish inside the river. He, being a absolute genius, tries to catch the fish. However, being four, he doesn't have the patience to wait before trying to grab, nor does he have anything to cook with or over.

After failing miserably, he stops it, and goes upstream, following the river while on land. As he was walking up river, he stumbles across a few apples on the ground. He picks them up and starts eating them, not even aware he should check if something wormed itself in before hand.

Izuku is still trying to find his way out, but is heading the wrong direction for that. Now if he was planning on heading towards the troll wizard himself, then the general direction is correct, just not the very specific direction.

He also thought 'I don't know what I am going to do if I don't leave? Mom why did you have to die?' This is him thinking of what happened yesterday, with those events still fresh on his mind. As he's walking, he hears rustling near him. Izuku decides to investigate it, only to find out it was some rabbits.

Unsure how to hunt, he leaves the rabbits alone, also not wanting to force the animals to be with him. And so, Izuku continues his stay within the forest for the foreseeable future.

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