Phase Two & Three

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Day 4
Luis comes over to talk to Joe while Melissa enjoyed her bubble bath.
Luis, "Listen all I'm saying is you've not yourself. When was the last time you really got shit done with he around. Just kill her already and dump her ass off in the everglades. Why you spending personal time and MONEY?! This hoe spending your money. By the time you make what you need to make from killing her, you'll just be getting back what she spent and gained no profit. That's the idea of this shit."
Joe, "I have a plan. I want this to be a high bid. And as much as I've done for him. I should be able to get a million and up."
Luis, "So the fuck what?! Take the $750,000 kill this bitch. You could have been offed her and made a million and more. And dude you make the millions yourself taking jewels and shit and cashing out. Don't be one of those petty change bullshitters."
Joe, "Petty change? Bullshitter?! Whatever needs to be done. I get it done. A top killer and taker. When I first met you in this world I ran circles around you with my body count and money count. I got your first mill off a job well done with me. And in that same job I took the body count and got the most money. So don't give me that bullshit. Hell I taught you how to count."
Luis, "Now you better change that bass in your fucking voice. One thing about me a bitch never made me go soft. And I've been married and had a child."
Joe, "Had. You weren't man enough to keep your own son alive."
Luis charges at Joe shoving him in the stomach. Joe starts beating him down in the back. Joe throws Luis to the ground. Luis goes after Joe again.
Joe, "Get out of my house. I'm warning you."
Luis, "You started some shit. Now I'm about to end it. And youre coming at me over some chick. She could be setting you up but you wouldn't be able to see it with her pussy in your mouth. Since when you let a woman take you out your element." Luis charges Joe to the wall then punches him in the face. From there Joe got up and became a fighting savage in that moment sent Luis on with an asswhooping of his lifetime.

Melissa comes down from her bubble bath with just her robe. Melissa, "What's going on? Oh my gosh?! What happened to your hand? And face? Who did you fight or what did you do?"
Joe, "Luis and I had a disagreement."
She hugs him and he hugs her back taking in her scent. He opens his eyes when he realizes what he was doing. He backs away from her. Melissa, "What? Whats wrong? Let me help you."
Melissa goes get ice to put on Joe's wounds. When she tried to put it on his face, he pushes her away. Joe, "No. You done enough." She tries to comfort him and he pushes her away again and leaves out. Melissa stood there confused as in what did she do and why the change all of a sudden.

Joe heads down to a gym hitting the punching bag until sweat pours down. He heads back home to Melissa pacing.
Melissa, "I've been calling you. Roman?! Don't ignore me."
Joe, "Lay off!"
Melissa, "Why are you yelling at me?"
Joe, "BECAUSE I AM SO SICK OF YOU! DAMN! LOOK TOMORROW--- FUCK!" Joe knocks over the glass on the counter making Melissa jump back and Joe goes into his room.
Melissa cleans up the glass with tears in her eyes.

Day 10
Melissa haven't seen Joe but been locked in the house. Joe did miss sex, food and talks with Melissa but Luis was right. He needed to focus. This is the lifestyle he chose and he wasn't the kind of man to start something and not see it to the end, no matter his feelings.
Melissa hear Joe room door comes open, "Seriously. It's been five days. We haven't talked or anything. We were just getting somewhere personally and---
Joe, "Thats the fucking problem. I only rescued because I was trying to fuck. And now that I done that, your ass is just here for causality until all of us can get back to our lives. And I got to figure this shit out. And please spare the tears you knew what it was walking in and you threw your ass at me. I don't care about you and I damn sure don't love you." Joe walks out and Melissa let the tears fall. Her feelings was really hurt.

No talking at all. What's next?

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