Hotel Nights

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The first night Joe, Melissa and Luis did not bare minimum. Melissa ran up the cable bill at the hotel ordering pay per views and premium movies and shows while her and Rhino ate snacks all night.

That second night Luis found a night club to go to. Joe and Luis headed out to pick up women, drink and gamble. Melissa, "Lissy stay here my ass." Melissa puts out the red freak'um dress she bought from earlier that day and headed to the same nightclub as Joe and Luis.
Melissa grabs her two glasses of champagne was it was offered at the door. She downs both of them and orders a bottle at the bar. Luis signals for Joe to look to the bar at Melissa. Joe, "I can see she's hard headed."
Luis, "Hard head cause for a soft ass."
Joe comes behind Melissa gently grabbing her throat then grips it firm. Joe whispers in her ear, "What are you doing here?"
Melissa, "Minding my business. Whats it to you?" A guy walks up asking Melisss to dance and Joe shoos the guy away. Another guy comes up that was somewhat Melissa's type and she dismisses Joe by taking the guy's hand and leading him to the dance floor.
Melissa danced with the guy. Luis tells Joe to get back playing cards and he was up $30,000. Joe played the card game but watched Melissa the whole time. She disappeared with the guy as Joe laid down his winning hand. Joe see Melissa come from around the corner fixing her dress.
Joe, "Where did you just go?"
Melissa, "I had to use the bathroom. And now I'm about to go find a man to treat me out for a steak dinner."
Joe, "So you're going to say that to my face?"
Melissa, "Like I once said what's it to you? And to be honest Roman I don't give a damn what you think or what you do and don't like. You didn't want me when you had me so you can just watch now." As Melissa sat at the bar conversating she had plenty of men to up to her. None of them compared to Joe in looks but one was working his magic in personality.
After two hours Melissa heads out.
Luis, "Where you going?"
Melissa, "Heading out. I got to go get some rest. I got a hot lunch date tomorrow. I'll catch yall at dinner."

Melissa arrives back to her hotel feeding a waiting Rhino. If he could he would have asked "Melissa, where the hell you been?!" Around 12:32AM Melissa gets a knock at the door, Melissa falls out of bed with wild hair answering the door. Melissa, "WHO IS IT?! DAMN! WAKING ME UP OUT MY DAMN SLEEP." Melissa answers the door and it's a drink Luis. Melissa, "What the fu---
Before she could finish her sentence Luis kisses her. She manages to pull away then slap him and slam the door on him. Melissa go scrub her face and lips then heads back to bed all to get another knock and its Joe.
Melissa, "You're stupid friend--- oh mg gosh. What happened to your face?"
Joe, "Got into a small altercation with one of the guys from the card game."
Melissa, "Damn. He got you good."
Joe, "Please. You should see him and his hits didn't phase me."
Melissa allows Joe in and she gets him ice. She place ice on his wound as he lay in her lap. Just randomly talking she feels his hands inside of her. She wasn't thinking about not having panties on before sitting beside Joe. Joe starts to rub on her center making her moan and he inserts two fingers.
Melissa muffles out, "Stop" as her head go back in pleasure. He takes that opportunity to kiss Melissa as he climbs on top of her. He tried to get rid of her shirt but she snaps back out of it pushing him off her and the sofa.
Joe lands on the floor, "Shit girl."
Melissa, "No. We can't do this. You have to go."
Joe gets up off the floor and she starts pushing him out the door and closing and locking it. She heads back to bed.

The next day Melissa gets dressed then get picked up by a limosuine. She arrive to the 5 Star Seafood restaurant where her date awaits. They sit down ordering drinks and talk about past relationships, families, memories and different categories of food and politics.
Josh, "I really thank you for the jokes and laughs. I really needed this. Work have been stressful."
Melissa, "Glad I could help and you're funny as well."
After receiving their food they continued with the laughs and jokes. After another hour a large figure came over Melissa.
Joe, "Get up."
Melissa, "I'm on my date---
Joe, "Get your a up now. We have to go. Don't make me tell you again."
Melissa, "I'm sorry Josh. I'll be back."
Melissa fast walks to catch up with Joe.
Melissa, "Why do we have to leave?"
Joe, "We have to get settled somewhere and I finally got a place. So this little date is over or do you wanna stay here? I already have your bags in the car we just have to go back to get that oversized dog of yours."
Melissa, "FINE!"
Melissa goes back to apologize to Josh then leaves with Joe.

Melissa gets to the room to retrieve her bags when Joe lifts her off her feet and they fall into bed. Melissa was trying to resist but Joe heads down attacking her clit with his tongue. As Joe did one of the things he does best, Melissa climaxed repeated in ecstasy while wrapping her hands into his hair even tugged him hair making him go harder against her mound. Joe comes up kissing her lips as little wraps her legs around him. Joe goes to enter her as he kissed her skin but Rhino comes into the bedroom barking like crazy. Joe retrieves his gun then goes to check things out. There were 4 gunmen. Joe tries sneaking Melissa and Rhino out the side but a guy shoots at them. Joe shoots back as they heads for the escape. They make it outside to the car and Joe takes off.
Melissa panicking, "Where's Dash?"
Joe speeds onto the road, "He went ahead." Joe speeds up even more. And they drive and ride for another 6 hours, stopping for food and gas in between.

Author Note: Few more chapters until the first climax.

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