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Luis sat on his huge L shaped sectional in his condo counting over $150,000 by hand. He let's out smoke from his blunt. Luis, "Sierra?! Baby what's taking you so long with breakfast?"
Sierra, "I'm coming!" She prances into the living room sitting down the plate onto the coffee table in front of Luis then kisses his lips. "Something must got you stressed if you're smoking."
Luis, "Sister death anniversary."
Sierra, "I'm sorry babe." Kisses his lips once more before going behind him massaging his shoulders and chest.
Luis, "Thank you babe."
Sierra, "You know I always got you. I want to make you stress free every time I see you."
Luis, "That's one thing I've always loved about you Si. You never added to my stress."
Sierra, "How about I drive us up the coast to the beach. Rent a beach house for just us so you can relax today."
Luis, "How about around 4:00? Work calls but this should be quick."
Sierra, "Yes. But first let me help you release."

Sierra takes his inches into her mouth making him throw his head back in satisfaction and the rest is history.

Whitefish, Idaho
Text to Joe, "Have you seen the assignment? How is the assignment going?"
Joe text back, "She always have people around but I'm tailing her. Price?"
Text to Joe, "It's up to $700,000 now."
Joe walks back into the hotel the cellphone time reads 2:37P.M. Melissa left a note that she's already headed back to his home.
Joe returns home and as soon as he walks through the door he have to catch Melissa in midair as she wraps her legs around him kissing his lips. He backs her into the wall.
Joe, "Listen, last night was just last night. I gave you what you wanted. Shop is closed now."
Melissa, "Love a challenge. You will open back to up to me."
Joe, "How's the house search?"
Melissa, "I need help. I don't want a typical house. Hey maybe I can work for you, earn some extra cash so I can buy a more expensive home."
Joe shakes his head no at the idea.
Joe, "Look we're cutting it real close with you being seen. Your name is all over a flyer I found. They want you dead for some reason. Now I'm willing to help you but I need answers."
Melissa, "They want me dead? Who wants me dead?"
Joe, "You tell me."
Melissa, "I'm sorry for bringing all of this into your home. I had no idea. My politician uncle must have pissed off the wrong guys."
Joe, "Uncle? People were talking about a cousin."
Melissa, "No. Most people thinks he's my father but he's really my uncle. My father was in politics but he was killed by his dirty best friend when I was 3 in a junkyard. I saw the whole thing. Then my uncle took me in and finished raising me."
Joe, "Where is your mom? Why isn't he protecting you more? Kids like you are normally bratty, spoiled and living the high life."
Melissa, "My mom was a junkie. A functioning junkie but still a junkie. I had a sister as well but her and my mom died in a plane crash when I was eight. And I was living the high life until I was 21. Six months later Mayor Davenport Mario Reeves told me I was on my own."
Joe eyebrow raises.
Melissa, "What?"
Joe, "The pamphlet I received as I unbranded my flight said the mayor was Hector Mario Sullivan."
Melissa, "He uses a part of my father's first name and uses my father's last name. They had two different mothers, who were sisters, my grandmother gave my dad her maiden name. And my dad gave me the same last name Sullivan."
Joe, "Your family is twisted."
Melissa, "Yes turned their illegal snd legal organ and drug delivery and dumped millions into the politicians to trade up the suits and popular legal status. Politics are definitely hustlers."
Joe, "Is that what you do for work? Organ delivery and drugs because I don't hang with either Sullivan."
Melissa, "No. I worked for a morgue legally doing the embalming for two years. All those nut wrenching shows as a kid sparked my interest. Then I worked at Amazon as a Warehouse Manager but now I'm just focused on school to be a Paralegal."
Joe nodded taking in all the information. Truth is he was keeping Melissa around until he got more money for her ransom. But he gets an idea I can make this ransom go up on my own.

Seattle, Washington
Sierra comes down after giving Luis an ecstasy filled lap dance.
Luis, "Your dancing skills are still tight. Now I'm ready to fill up that tight pussy of yours."
Sierra raises off Luis lap so he can pull out his dick and she slides back adjust herself onto it. She can feel herself heating up more and more as she become wetter wanting him inside of her. A knock comes at the door.
Sierra, "Oh babe that's the delivery people. I ordered us some food so I can cook."
Luis, "Let them leave that shit." He started pushing himself further into her. A moan escapes his lips as her sweetness clutches him. Then the knocks continue. Sierra rushes to go get the door so it can stop wrecking the mood.
Sierra peeps open the door, "Look leave the damn food bitch and get out of here."
Luis comes to the door and he look seeing his wife.
As soon as Raquel spots Luis she blasted through the door knocking the chain off and hitting Sierra in the head with the door dashing her eyebrow. Luis tries to control the ladies but his wife knees him in the balls then deliver delivers right hand to Sierra.
Raquel, "Who's the bitch now?! It's over!"
Raquel snaps a few pictures of the illegal drugs and money on counter then runs out. Luis struggles to get to his feet so he can chase her. She zooms off in her car.

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