III. Sol 18 (Part III)

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Two alarms sounded.

Two bodies laid facedown, half-covered in red sand at the base of a hill. One had an arm around the other.

Watney and Gray.

The oxygen alarms inside the helmets continued to blare.

Mark and Melina gasped for air, jerking back into consciousness. They were disoriented and the alarms continued blaring inside their helmets.

They struggled to move and screamed in pain. The two glanced down to see a jagged length of antenna in his abdomen and in her left shoulder. Caked blood surrounded the wounds.

Mark's training kicked in - his and Melina's suits were breached - he struggled to his knees while gasping for air, motioning for Melina to stay down, reached to pull the side of his helmet for the breach kit and pulled the valve free. He grabbed hold of the antenna in his abdomen and gritted his teeth.

Mark yanked the antenna out of his side. The antenna snapped free, exposing the suit to atmosphere. The pressure inside dropped. Mark cried out, went woozy, but stayed conscious.

He slammed the breach kit over the hole and sealed it. He checked his arm pendant to see that the oxygen stabilized. He was still alive.

Mark turned to Melina, pulled her breach kit, pulled the valve free and yanked out the antenna causing her to scream out in pain. He placed the breach kit over the hole and nodded once her oxygen stabilized.

Melina and Mark struggled to their feet and both picked up a length of antenna. They began the long climb up the hill, supporting each other.


Mark and Melina climbed the hill and soon arrived at the hab. It was battered from the storm, but still intact.

Melina and Mark exchanged a relieved look.

Their eyes moved to the MAV launch site.

It was empty.

They kept walking.


Mark and Melina fumbled their way inside. As soon as the airlock equalized, they tore off their helmets.


The two stumbled into the main area, the latter falling ungracefully to the floor. She found a cloth and put pressure to her wound.

Mark nodded. "I gotta treat this, then I'll help you. Keep pressure on that."

Melina frowned. "I know basic first aid."

"This is a little more than basic."

"Shut up."

Mark peeled off his jumpsuit. He winced as he ripped the blood-caked fabric away from his wound.

His fingers probed the puncture. It was deep. He checked his back for an edit wound to find none. He grabbed the broken antenna. His fingers traced the bloodied end. It was jagged as though a piece of antenna broke off inside him. Melina investigated her wound. It was deep, but there was an exit wound.

Melina, using surfaces to help her walk and stay upright, stumbled over to the first-aid station and grabbed supplies for both herself and Mark.

With sweat pouring from their brows, Mark and Melina both loaded up a syringe with anesthetic and gritted their teeth. They injected the syringes into their wounds. The two gasped, breathed, and Mark grabbed the forceps while Melina began stitching up the front side of her shoulder wound. Mark hesitated before taking a deep breath and dug the forceps into his wound.

The two cried out in pain. Mark nearly went unconscious, but fought it. He probed with the forceps whilst grimacing in agony. He couldn't find the shrapnel. He pushed the forceps in deeper and deeper, causing his face to pale.

He found the piece of antenna and yanked the forceps free to see the shrapnel.

Mark grabbed the other needle and tried to thread it. His hands wouldn't stop shaking. He made fists and Melina gave him a nod. Mark returned her nod and steadied himself just enough.

He began stitching himself up. His hands wouldn't stop shaking, but he refused to stop until the wound was closed.

When he finished, he chipped the sutures. He turned to Melina and stitched up her exit wound as bit her lip in pain. As soon as the two were stitched up, they collapsed back into their chairs and tried to catch their breath.

Melina silently cursed at their current situation. They were in agony. Left for dead. Just the two of them.

The only two on the planet.

Their eyes drifted to the middle distance before they said, "Fuck."

"How the hell are we gonna get through this, Mark?" Melina asked.

"I'm not sure yet. But we need a plan. You in?"

"Oh hell yeah."

"Good. Then let's find a way to survive."

Life on Mars // Chris BeckWhere stories live. Discover now