Hello Brother

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Kitty couldnt sleep. She couldnt focus. She couldnt breathe. She worried for Sandor. She worried for Jon. She cried often picturing the worst.

'Hello big brother' the mountain was protecting the queen his red eyes looked back at her as she demanded he stay by her side

'Ser Gregor I command you' cersei said.

'Obey your queen sir Gregor' her Hand demanded.

He smashed Cerseis Hand against the wall killing him cersei quickly walked past sandor alone down the steps. Sandor Moved slowly up the steps to his brother before attacking swinging his sword Gregor caught it in his hand, sandor got the helmet off his brother knocking it off with his sword.

'Yeah that's you... That's what you've always been' Sandor said his face, his whole head was disgusting like a zombie red eyes and black veins, monster. Truly what he had always been now the rest of the world could see it to.

The building was crumbling around them but they didn't care they needed to settle this once and for all. one of them had to die today Sandor stabbed his sword through Gregor completely but he still did not fall Gregor slammed sander back rolling him down the stairs. Sandor panted for breath as Gregor pulled the blade from his stomach. He was not a man, he was a monster. A scarred and evil monster. he picked sandor up and slammed him down.

Punch after punch hit after hit sandor was getting weaker and weaker as his brother didn't seem to be wavering at all.

Gregor had sander by the throat sander kept stabbing him over and over again

'Fucking die' Sandor screamed laughing as his brother wouldn't die

But Gregor started to gouge out Sandors eyes sandor screamed as he plunge the dagger at gregors face, the fucker still wouldn't go down though. Gregor yanked it from his face seemingly unfazed. Punch after punch hit after hit sandor was getting weaker and weaker as his brother didn't seem to be wavering at all. Gregor had sander by the throat sander kept stabbing him over and over again

'Fucking die' Sandor screamed laughing as his brother wouldn't die.

Jon saw sandor go over the edge as he was coming up the crumbling steps. He ran ahead with persistent to see sandor clinging on while the moutain hung from sandors legs. His hands were slipping as jon tried to pull him up.

'Let me die boy' sandor muttered. 'Im not getting out if this one.'

'You would break kittys heart!' Jon informed him trying to keep him upright.

'Katarina doesnt need a hound like me.' Sandor informed him through laboured breaths

'She loves you! She told me to look out for you and bring you home'. Jon shouted before throwing a blade down at gregor. It landed in his head when he moved to pull it out still holding on to sandor with the opposite hand. 'Keep fighting. For kitty.' Jon instructed grabbing back onto his hands as sandor kicked his brother off of him. Sending gregor into the firey pit below.

'Good fucking riddance' sandor muttered looking down at the fire below a chuckle caught in his throat when he looked up to jon. 'Hes dead. Hes really dead'. Sandor said happily

'Yes thats great,' jon said out of breath. 'Now help me save your ass so you dont end up like him!' After much struggle and slipping with the walls crumbling around them jon and sandor managed to pull sandor up they lay exhausted on the crumbling stairs for a brief moment before jon jumped up.

'Go home to kitty. I have one more thing i need to handle.' Jon told him offering him a hand

'Thank you.' Sandor told him taking pained steps down. He was really to give up, thinking kitty really would be better without him but she had asked her brother to look out for him. Because she didnt want to lose him.

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now