Meeting the dragon queen

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Jons clothing was peeled from his body. Crunching and breaking as the frozen clothing was removed.

'Im sorry' jon said when he woke up 'im so sorry-' he told dani

'The dragons are my children the only children I will ever have. we are going to destroy the night king and his army, we will do it together do you have my word.' Dani told him

'JON!' Kitty cried out seeing him laying on the bed, she thought him gone.

'KITTY!' he said happily. "Oh sweetie, come here!' she hugged him and he groaned in pain.

"Sorry, sorry.' She said pulling away wiping the tears from her eyes.

'Its alright love. I'm alright...' jon whispered holding her to him.

"Hello you must be Katarina Stark.' Dani said offering her a smile. Kitty nodded looking back to the white haired woman. 'Your brother has told me much about you in our time together.' Dani informed her. 'I am Queen Danaerys Stormborn Targaryen.'

'Oh hi,' Kitty looked to jon and then bowed her head to Dani. 'Your grace... thank you saving Jon and sandor and the others.' Kitty said siftly still holding onto jons hand.

'Aparently it is Kitty Clegane now.' jon corrected when he saw sandor leaning against the door frame. Dani looked between Kitty and Sandor before offering a tight smile. Kitty was small and thin while sandor was tall and large, kitty had a delicate face while sandor had a scared and weathered face. They seemed an odd couple but kitty moved from jons side hugging sandor tight.

'I heard that Jon snow was... Kitty.' Tyrion stood speachless. She smiled down at him, sandor kept a tight hold of his wife.

'Tyrion.' Kitty said pulling away from sandor, he begrudgingly let go of her.

'Katarina.' Tyrion stepped forward not believeing his eyes but she sunk down in front of him wrapping him up in a hug.

'I have missed you.' Kitty whispered when she pulled back there was a smile on her face.

'Katarina?' he held her face in his hands. 'youre here? Youre here...' he pulled her back to him.

'I'm here.' She confirmed. 'tyrion, I'm so glad you alright.' Kitty told him. He refused to let her go again but he could fell sandor glaring down at him. 'who did you come to be with the queen?' kitty questioned softly.

'Tyrion spoke highly of you as well.' Dani added still from jons side.

'Of course he did. I am wonderful.' Kitty teased. 'I just cant believe it! I feel like everything is going to be okay.' Kitty said looking around at her friends, her family.


Sandor went to check on the white walker they had caged it stopped moving and stopped screaming he tapped on the top and it shook screaming outraged inside the cage.

'It is still alive?' Kitty questioned, waiting at the top deck for him.

'Yeah, cunts still alive.' He told her.

'Whats it look like?'

'Ugly fucker,' sandor told her. 'come on, lets take advantage of one of these beds.' He scopped her up she kissed at his face as he carried her away. Tyrion watched the door slam shut, he felt like he had lost her all over again. It stung more this time if that was possible. Because this time he knew that she truly did chose Sandor. It wasn't because the king was forcing them together this love that they had formed was real and honest and true.

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now