I got to try

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'We may have beat them but we now have my sister to deal with.' tyrion reminded davos before trying to find Kitty, she was with Bran.

'This is clever even better than the saddle I designed for you,' tyrion said admiring brans wheelchair.

'It is the same model that a Targaryen used hundreds of years ago for his crippled son, I liked that story.'

'You know history better than anyone it will be useful as lord of Winterfell.' Tyrion told him.

'I am not lord of Winterfell.' Brand reminded him.

'You are the only true born son of Ned Stark left...'

'I think you would make a great king of the north.' Kitty added.

'You don't want it though?' tyrion questioned.

'I don't really want anymore' bran told him

'I envy you,' tyrion told him.

'you shouldn't envy me I mainly look to the past.' Bran told him.

'To the dragon queen!' tormond yelled.

'To arya stark the hero of winterfell!' dani countered rising a glass to her.


'There is only One thing that could make me happy.' Sandor was telling sansa.

'What is that?'

'None of your fucking business...' sansa stared at him. 'before you couldn't look at me'

'That was a long time ago' sansa admitted.

'It certainly was... heard you were broken and heard you were broken in rough.' He told her.

'I'm sorry that happened to you sansa.' Kitty added and Sansa grabbed her hand from across the table.

'And he got what he deserved I gave it to him.' sansa told him


'Hounds' she told him and sandor grinned. His sigil was a hound.

'You've changed a little bird' Sandor told her 'none of it would've happened if you left Kings Landing with me no little finger, no Ramsey none of it' sandor reminded her.

'Without Ramsey and little finger I would've stayed a little bird all my life' she told him getting up and walking away.

'you are gonna kill your brother once you get to kings landing, right?' kitty asked. He looked over at her, her sweet face and big eyes looking up to him.

'aye,' he informed her.

'I don't want you die.' Kitty told him.

'what makes you think I'm gonna lose?' sandor questioned

'because hes not a man. If he ever was,' Kitty added. 'after the battle, after he fought oberyn... Tyrion was telling me, when... when tyrion was being accused of joffreys murder and oberyn was named tyrions champion... after that things changed. Not a person anymore. Hes a monster. But he might have always been a monster.' Kitty remarked.

'I'm gonna be fine flower. I promise.' He told her but he knew it was unlikely. He didn't want to leave her but she was right with her family and he needed to be right with his. Settle things once and for all. If he made it back he would show kitty the best life, they would live by the water and he would be true to his word and give her everything, every sunny day, love her every day until the day they died... but he needed to settle this first.

'you promise?' she questioned. 'I don't think I believe you, sandor.' She admitted.

'flower,' She picked at her nails and chewed at her lip as she tried not to cry. 'oh flower,' he proper her up on his lap.

'please, you and I are going to go to the free cities and start over remember you and me sandor, you and me!' kitty declared.

'flower, I gotta try.'

'but sandor-'

'I gotta try.' He repeated kissing her head. A tear fell down her cheek. 'oh flower.' He wiped it away.

'hes not a man, hes a monster, sandor. A monster.' Kitty reminded him

'that's why I gotta put him down.' Sandor told her and she leaned into him. She knew he was going to do this, he had talked about wanting to kill his brother since she first met him. After meeting him she understood why but she didn't want sandor to lose his life trying. 

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now