Trial by combat

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'I demand trial by combat.' Tyrion said once he got his audience with the lady of the veil.

'combat?' she laughed. 'alright then.' She nodded to a guard who immediately stepped forward.

'I request my brother Jaime to fight in my place.' Tyrion told her looking around the room. 'he is in kings landing send a raven and he will ride day and night to come and fight for both me and my companion.'

'No.' Lysa said with a wicked laugh. 'the trial will start today.'

'Make the little man fly!' the boy yelled with a grin. "and the cripple, send her out the moon door, push her out the moon door!' he cheered and kitty gulped down her fear. She was going to die today. There was no hope left for them.

"will anyone fight for me and my lady?" Tyrion questioned looking around the room of men. No one stepped forward though. ' you will be rewarded handsomely. I promise you. A Lannister always pays his debts.'

'seems you will have two choices, the moon door or-' lysa began

'I will fight for the little ladys freedom' a deep voice said. A tall man with a blonde mop of hair walked towards them. 'And the little lord too' he added winking at kitty. Her heart raced, he was tall and well built, he looked like a fighter, could this be the change they needed to escape, to be free once and for all?

It was.

Bronn easily took down the lady of the veils champion. Kitty watched in amazement as a stranger fought for them. For her. she gripped tyrions hand not wanting to let go in case their knight was to lose and they were to be thrown from the moon door at any moment. But he wont and escorted kitty and Tyrion out, a big smile on his face.

'Th- thank you ser.' Kitty said as he lead them away

'You are most welcome little lady. And what can i call you?'

'They call me kitty.'

'Kitty. Thats cute. Im bronn.'

'Well thank you ser bronn. I am in your debt.'

'As am i. You will be paid handsomely once we reach my father.'

'Maybe i can ask him what its like to shit gold?' Bronn laughed as he continued on their journey. Kitty continued to stumble onward an Bronn noticed. "You alright little one?'

'Oh yes. I'm fine."

"no shes not. She needs to get off that leg.' Tyrion gave her dress a tug but she brushed him off.

'I will be fine. We need to keep moving. My mother wont be happy that Bronn won us our freedom.'

'so that bitch was really your mother?' bronn asked surprised.

'Unfortunately so.' Kitty said softly.

'and I thought me own ma was bad. That was dreadful little lady.'

'You don't have to remind her Bronn.' Tyrion said sourly.

'I am used to that kind of treatment. Not so harshly but I shouldn't have expected anything different considered she held me hostage along with tyrion for the past week... I thank you again for being our champion.' Kitty said looking up at him. He reminded her a bit of sandor. Big, strong and brave.

'I know how you can repay me,' Bronn said with a wink and Tyrion punched him in the leg causing him to stumble.

'absolutely not!'

'I was joking, I jjoke. He told kitty with a grin. 'how about I pick you up, youre little. I can carry you to rest your leg?'

'Oh you don't-' but it was too late she was already in his arms. Tyrion scoffed but knew it was for the best, he didn't want her leg getting infected after their long travels and no medication since they left her brother. Gods the pain must be killing her, Tyrion thought as kitty closed her eyes leaning into Bronn.

'She's a cutie. How did you manage to snag her?'

"She is my friend.' Tyrion spat. 'but you cant have her.'

"no? but she is just your friend?'

"For now. But not for forever.' Tyrion told him and Bronn nodded understanding love when he saw it. 

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now