Thank you sandor

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When they arrived at Kings Landing they were having a tournament for the King's birthday and kitty walked up to her sister with a big smile on her face.

'Oh Sansa I'm so happy to see you.' Sansa just stuck her nose up at kitty.

'where have you been?' she asked not even sparing a second look at her sister.

'I... i...' tyrion gripped her hand as he filled a glass of wine for himself.

'Happy name day your grace.' tyrion said with his best I'm trying really hard not to punch you smile.

'I missed you.' Kitty said still trying to get sansa to look at her, she wouldn't though, so Kitty's eyes wandered. "Where is arya? I wish to say hello to her.'

'Your traitor sister has disappeared.' Joffery spat.

'Disappeared?' Kitty repeated.

'are you death as well as crippled?' joffery laughed.

'no your grace, I'm sorry your grace,' she bowed low.

'Yes after your father was killed she vanished.' Joffery had a wicked grin on his face when he realized the cripple hadnt seen her fathers head on a spike yet.

'After the festivities i have something to show you little cripple girl.'

'Of course your grace,' she did a quick bow. 'I hope you are having the most wonderful of name days.'

'If i may your grace... I think the lady best rest after our long journey.' Tyrion said as kindly as he could to the little twat.

'Yes yes be gone.' Joffery muttered as the next duo began their dual.

'Goodbye sansa,' kitty said as she passed but sansa looked right through her. 'Hello sandor.' She said with a small broken smile. 'You look well,' she said softly as tyrion guided her away.

'Your grace,' sandor spoke up and kitty stopped.

'What is it hound?' joffery snapped.

'Might you allow me to take lady stark to her new room?'

'Yes yes... put her in the room next to yours.' Sandor went to object but joffery dismissed him. 'run along dog.'

'Come on,' he said holding an arm out for her. She took it and used him as a crutch. For her leg was on its last life.

When they got to a spare room sandor pulled open the door. It was small, just a bed and a night table and a chest for clothes. Smaller than the tent tywin had let her sleep in and just bigger than the cell she was trapped in at the veil.

'I dont suppose my things were kept from when my father made his journey here without me?'

'I will check for you' sandor said still not leaving. 'What happened to you Kitten?' He asked and tyrion watched the two. Sandor knelt down to her as she sat on the bed.

'My own mother kidnapped me and tyrion and it has been one shit show after the next sandor. And my own sister doesnt even care that i was gone... God she hates me just like mother.' She let a tear slip from her eyes but sandor wiped it away.

'You never let those cunts see you cry.' Sandor told her and she nodded but couldnt stop the tears. 'Dont worry little one. I'll keep you safe. Now that youre here. I wont let em hurt ya.' She wrapped her arms around him and cried and he let her cry, holding her close, her body shaking through sobs in his arms.

'Im sorry ya been through such shit, im sorry you had to go through it all alone.' sandor said when her cries slowed.

'I wasn't alone. I had tyrion.' Sandor glanced back seeing the small man still standing awkwardly in the small room.

'You get some rest kitten.' sandor said getting up to his feet. 'I dont know what the little cunt has planned but it is never good.'

'Thank you sandor' she said softly as he left sandor waited a moment for tyrion to leave but he simply shut the door on sandor. Who grunted but left to see if the little cunt kept kittys things anywhere.

Kitty had started to remove her leg frowning at the blood ozzing and bruising throughout.

'You were so brave.' Tyrion said and kitty looked to him thinking she was alone. 'This whole awful situation and you came out alive and still with your grace intact.' She smiled softly at him as he came to sit next to her. 'Im still here for you. Im not going to leave you. You will always have me looking out for you. Trying my best to keep you safe.' She leaned over and kissed his cheek.

'Thank you tyrion. For everything. You are a truly remarkable person and friend.' Tyrion blushed at this. Remarkable. When was the last time someone called him remarkable? Never. The answer was never.

'Get some rest my dear sandor is right, joffery is probably up to no good.' He pressed a kiss to her hand and made his way out.

Bronn I knew this was a bad idea." Tyrion informed him when he caught shae sneaking out of his room and wandering the palace.

"What a good fuck? A good fuck is never a bad idea. I thought you knew that?" Bronn said cheerfully as he put his belt on. "Maybe its been too long since you've been caught up in the little kats affections that you forgot."

'she cant just be wandering about, people will ask questions and a whore's place is not within the palace.' Tyrion told him.

'King Robert had-'

'He was the king, he could fuck whoever he pleased. You are not.'

'give her a job then, so shes not trapped in my bed al day waiting for me cock. How about that?' Tyrion nodded at this. She could be sansa's handmaiden. He knew the katarina needed one more but knew katarina would not want someone intruding in on her life, sansa would think it a honor. But Tyrion was wrong he should have just sent shae away because she was starting to take up sansa's bad attitude towards katarina.

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now