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The dragon glass was beautiful obsidian it was being forged into weapons for every soldier every man every woman and every child that wanted to fight for their home.

"You Used to be taller,' arya told Jon, he was staring at the face in the tree, he hadn't heard her come up. Jon smiled when he saw her but Kitty shrunk back into the tree.

'How did you sneak up on me?' he asked grinning

'How did you survive a knife to the heart?' Arya questioned

'I didn't' Jon told her. She hugged him hugged him tight and he lifted her off the ground.

"Hi Kitty,' arya said and kitty glanced at her. she offered a tight smile but turned back to face the tree, the face in the tree.

'You still have it?' Jon said pointing to her sword, the sword he had given her before everything went to hell.

'She uses it well.' Kitty remarked. 'I'm glad you are still alive.'

'I'm glad you are alive as well...' arya told her before turning back to jon. 'Needle, I named it needle,' she told him, glancing back over at kitty, she had heard about kittys outburst earlier with sansa, apparently her anger didn't extend fully to arya.

'Have you used it?' jon asked.

'Once or twice,' she told him. He took out his sword showing it to her 'Valyrian steel' she took it in her hands, admiring it.

'Jealous?' Jon question

'Do you have any for me?' arya questioned

'Where were you before I could've used your help with Sansa?' jon told her. 'She does not like our queen, and Sansa thinks she's smarter than everyone else.'

'She's the smartest person I've ever met.' Arya told them.

'That's not saying much.' Kitty muttered quietly.

'you're defending her? you?' Jon said shocked

'I'm defending our family and so is she' arya reminded him

'I'm family too,' he told her... he looked to kitty, maybe there was hope for redemption between the sisters afterall.

'Don't forget that' she told him hugging him again. While her arms wrapped around jon her eyes wandered to kitty walking away.


'Jon Snow brought peace to the houses' Davos reminded them.

'And our queen is grateful' tyrion told him as they walked along winterfells, into the streets and among the common people.

'The north does not know her, the free folk do not know her, they are a stubborn as goats she's going to have to earn it.' Davos told him walking off

'I sense that you were leading to proposal ?' Tyrion questioned

'On the off chance we survive the night king when was the last time the seven kingdoms were ruled by a just woman and a righteous man?' he looked down below to Dani and Jon, standing close, smiling lovingly at each other.

'They do make a handsome couple' Tyrion agreed, he saw kitty wakling with them, her arm hooked with Jon's as they walked. She had a smile on her face again.

'Yes but nothing lasts' Tyrion remarked, he thought that him and kitty could have been forever but the fates had other plans.

'Your sister doesn't like me,' Dani told Jon

'She doesn't know you. If it makes you feel any better if she didn't like me when we are growing up either.' Jon told her.

'she hates me too...' kitty informed her. 'I'm sorry if I offset her temper towards you with my outburst your grace... I should have not spoken up like that.'

'No I'm glad you stood up for yourself.' Danaerys told her. 'you explained to them and anyone that was listening that you, Katarina Clegane are a forced to be reckoned with and you have the rightful queen on your side.' Dani told her and kitty smiled up at her.

'wow... thank you, that's...' she looked to jon, how was this woman so wonderful? 'thank you your grace.' Kitty was at a loss for words.

'Sansa does not have to be my friend but I am her queen if she cannot respect me...' The Dothraki came riding up pulling her attention away.

'What's the matter?' jon questioned

'The dragons are barely eating.' so off they went to find her dragons in a field of bones

'What's wrong with them?' Jon asked

'They do not like the north' Daenerys told him.

"Them and me both.' Kitty mumbled. Dani climbed on the back of one and told Jon to get on the other.

'Well I don't know how to ride a dragon.' He told her awkwardly.

'Nobody does until they ride a dragon.' Dani told him.

'What if he does not want me to?' jon questioned taking a step closer.

'Then I have enjoyed your company Jon Snow' Daenerys told him confidently from on top of her dragon so carefully slowly and cautiously but not gracefully Jon climbed to top of the dragon.

'JON?' kitty questioned panicked from the ground. "Are you sure this is a good idea?'

'What do I hold onto?' he screamed

'Whatever you can' and suddenly he was in the air flying away.

"DON'T LET HIM FALL!" Kitty shouted into the clouds as they swooped over Winterfell everyone could see clear as day that there was a ridder on each dragon.

The Hound, The Imp, and The Cripple // Sandor CleganeWhere stories live. Discover now