Michael... Afton...

This can't be correct, right? His name is Fritz Smith, there's no way he was lying about that. Well, you can't be sure. You said the same thing about William, didn't you?

But, Fritz- Michael's last name is Afton. Does that mean what you think it means?

Michael is William's son. You look over all the other information and compare it to William. Depending on the mother, it all checks out. The birth date, the eye colour, and the address. Even the middle name makes sense! Who else besides William would make their kid's middle name the same as their first name?

Now that you think about it, all the parts start lining up. Fritz was always curious about William and his whereabouts, what he was like, and what he looked like. You were suspicious about this, but you could never have imagined it being because of this. Sure, they looked almost identical. They both have British accents that slip out when talking. They do the exact same eye thing.

Okay, you may seem stupid for not realizing sooner. But, you like to give the benefit of the doubt to people you trust.

You place the card back down in the same spot you found it. It isn't smart to just confront him right away, you think. It's pretty clear to you that William and Michael won't have the same reaction. Even if they use fake names and identities, they are the same person they were. You have experienced that first hand.

Suddenly, footsteps are heard down the hall. You move away from the license and start to tend to the sticky slushie. Michael walks in and picks up the fan, before placing it back down. He was looking for something and it didn't take a genius to know what. You aren't going to mention you saw it because it could cause him to panic more than he already is.

"How was your night shift? Everything go smoothly?" You ask him. You can't act suspicious.

Michael nods before picking up his license and stuffing it in his back pocket. "Sorry for the mess," He mumbles out, before running out of the security office. This is bad. Really bad.


"-I just picked it up, then I see that! What is with you Aftons and your fake identities?" You continue your rant about your day to William. "Michael Afton! Your son! I've been working with your son this entire time! I've become friends with my boyfriend's son, without even knowing! What the fuck?!"


"Holy shit! If we ever got married, I'm not saying I want to- way too soon for that. But if we did, I would've been working with my step-son?! That's so fucked up, William! That is so fucked up!"

William nods. "I know." He looks behind you at the TV, only listening when his name is mentioned or a question is asked of him.

"How come I never noticed? He looks exactly like you! Did you know he works there?" You ask him. You don't think he knows, considering there's no way he's still in contact with Michael. He was hired after Dave left, so they didn't meet then. There's no way he knows, it was a stupid question.

"Yeah," William replies to your question.

You continue on your thoughts, barely noticing he said anything. "Well, duh-" Until it registers in your mind. "Huh? How?"

"I went back once, and he was there with Fitzgerald. Fockin' disgusting..." William shakes his head, probably trying to get the image out of his head.

You stare wide-eyed at him, confused about everything, again. "And you didn't think to tell me?! When did you go back? Why did... oh yeah. Remnant."

"Yeah. I tried telling you that one time, but you weren't home," William admits. You groan at his lack of interest in your worries.

You sit back down beside him on the couch, finally allowing him to see the TV without him moving. "Such a great effort you made, Will," You mutter, sarcastically.

How are you even going to bring this up to Michael? Should you bring this up? Maybe you can just forget it even happened and you can go back to being oblivious about the true identity of your coworker. But, you've tried that before. It doesn't work.

It's best to bring it up gently, assuring him you aren't mad. You are almost sure he never murder any kids, unlike his father. There's no reason to be mad at him. It'll be fine.


Wow, two chapters of my stories in one day? What the hell? I don't know if this is okay, but it's really just a setup for more chapters. Also, so much is happening in two days in this fanfic. It's crazy. Thank y'all for your patience and support. I love yall, platonically. Thank you so much and have a good day/night!

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now