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Even though you know a big part of William's secrets, you're still lost on a few things. You have asked a few questions already and got answers. Answers that were enough to suppress your curiosity but not stop it. 

One of the first questions you ever had still hadn't got an answer; the jars. The substance in those many jars wasn't normal, you know that now. William wouldn't be that protective of it if it were. There was something worth keeping a secret sealed in those jars.

The guest room you have kept unused for the longest time finally had a purpose. William used it for his "studies", as he called them. You were sure the jars had something to do with it. You saw him take the suitcase there when he arrived at your house. So, assuming they're still there, they had to be in the guest room.

The door creaked as you opened it. The room was as empty as you left it, except there was a suitcase in the middle along with a tray William had stolen from your kitchen. You were wondering where he kept it.

As you unzipped the zipper, you braced yourself to see them again. The last time you saw them, they were all you could think about for a month or so. They were what caused William to run away the first time. It seems that these jars are ridden with bad luck.

The beautiful, vibrant colours met your eyesight. You had to admit that... whatever it may be is very pleasing to the eyes. You reached in to pick up one of the jars of the pink substance. Looking closer, you noticed the sparkly nature of it. It was hard to tear your eyes away from the swirl when you heard the door to the guest room swing open.

"I see you've found my creation," William observed.

You turn to him, blanking on what to say. You knew he would find you here, you weren't hiding, but you still had no idea what to say when he does. "Uh... hey, Will..."

"What do you think?" He asks. You can only make surface-level comments about the substance, still clueless about what it does.

"It's something. That's for sure," You state. William nods, most likely proud of himself. You've memorized the face he makes when he is. "You never answered my question and now that you're, well... you... can you finally answer it?" Unsure of what question you're talking about, William hesitantly nods. "Why are you British?"


"I'm kidding! What is this stuff?" You finally get your question out of him.

William strides over to the suitcase, picking up a jar. He holds it up, examining the contents. "Fascinating, isn't it? It holds the power to mankind's ultimate desire: immortality. I call it remnant."

If you were expecting anything, it certainly wasn't that. Immortality isn't a topic that usually crossed your mind, so to think you have the key to it in your hand is a crazy concept. How did Wiliam even find out about all of this stuff? Where'd he get it? What the hell do you do with it? For all you know, you may have to shove it up your ass to use it.

"The old animatronics provide it. Those brats were good for one thing, at least." You will never get over how he treats the murders so casually. Insults them, also. "That brother of mine was the first test. He survived a bullet to the throat, which helped me prove the use for remnant."

"Wait, wait- you tested it on Vincent? You couldn't even try it on, like... someone you hate?" You questioned. You thought that was quite bizarre, before reminding yourself that William hates his brother. You don't even want to know why. It probably wouldn't justify anything, anyway. 

William stares at you, confused. "Why would I let someone I hate lay their eyes on my work?"

"Uh... yeah. Nevermind. Continue."

"So, after I tested it, I used it. I haven't had to chance to test it with myself, but it works. I'm sure of it," William tells you.

Listening to his words, you can't help but think about if it doesn't work. William gets into a deadly situation, knowing he'll get out alive, thinking he's immortal. But it doesn't work and he dies. It isn't a pleasant thought. "Right. How do you make it? Do you find it under a bridge or something?"

"Were you not listening? I told ya the animatronics provide it. The brats, specifically."

You knew what he meant. The old animatronics in the parts and service room are what provide the immortality juice. Figuring out why that is wasn't your job, but you assumed the children had something, if not everything to do with it. Considering William's choice of words.

Remembering that some parts of the robots were missing, you put the two together. William was creating remnant with the animatronic parts he collected. That got you thinking; you could do that. Since you're at work almost every day, you could collect parts for him so he can continue his studies while not being there. It just might work.


"Hey, (Y/N)!" You heard your name being called by the recognizable voice of Joan, stopping you from your quest of heading to the parts and service room. You turn to her, curious about what she wants. "I was wondering if you'd be able to take the night shift for me tonight?"

You didn't even have to think about the answer. "No, sorry, Joan. I would, just I have a lot to do tonight. My family is coming over."

They weren't.

"Oh, damn. That's fine! I can still get one of the other two. Hope everything goes well with your family!" Joan says, walking back to the main room to find Jeremy or Fritz. You could have taken the night shift, of course, but why would you if you didn't have to?

Making your way to the parts and service room, you had to prepare yourself. You've been in the place before, but that was before you know all the details. What should you do to prepare yourself? Do some exercises or something?

The plan is to go in there, get a part, and leave. Even you know that won't be that easy. You've seen the condition William walks out of there in. You just hope that the animatronics don't see you as a threat, yet.

"Yo (Y/N)! Where ya going?" You're stopped again by Jeremy this time. What does it take to get some time to do one simple thing around here? Can their conversations wait for a couple of minutes or so?

"Just checking something."

"In the parts and service room? I don't think Dave's in there," Jeremy jokes. You don't remember noticing how annoying he can be.

Hearing Dave's name again isn't a welcome experience. You quite literally want to leave that name in the trash. "I know that, Jeremy! Just... stay out of my way, okay?" Walking off you hear Jeremy mutter some words you couldn't pick up on before he also walks away.

The door was now in arms reach. You just had to open it. You could back down now, but that wouldn't be doing anyone a favour, would it? It would all stay the same as it is now.

You gripped the door handle. Here goes nothing...


So sorry to make you wait, for this chapter and the next! I'm tired right now and should be studying for this absolutely bullshit social studies exam I have. I might die before it on Monday, honestly. It makes me want to scream. I hope everyone has been doing alright! Thank y'all so much, and have a good day/night!

BC Dave Miller X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now