Chapter 24

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"Jared son, oh my God" Mum gasped pulling me into a tight hug. "Where have you been, we have been looking for you, oh god I'm glad that you're ok" she added kissing my cheek softly. Since Everett left me, I also moved away from our house avoiding my parents simply because they would ask questions that I wasn't able to answer.

After having that conversation with Marc, I decided to face my parents. Marc was right, if they love me, they will accept me the way I am coz truth be told, I can't live without my Ev, he is my life, my everything, and thinking about everything I have put him through makes me so sad and be mad at myself

Not being with him these past weeks had been the worst of my life. if my parents love me as they say they do, they need to accept me the way Ev did. Everett accepted all my flaws and loved me in bad and good times yet I was a shitty husband to him but he stayed with me until when he couldn't take it anymore. I'm not doing this for Ev, but for myself, I need to live a peaceful life without fear.

And most of all I'm going to be a father and hell, I need to be part of her life, I'm not going to co-parent as Everett told me the last I saw him, I want us to do this together, I want him to come back to me and I know what to do if I want my husband back.

I need to do things differently, so here I am.

"Jared, what happened, where is Eva, I have been calling her but she doesn't answer, you both disappeared," mum asked worry lacing in her voice. "Are you ok you look pale and you've lost weight, have you been crying?" she asked when she took a good look at me. Of course, I have been crying all this time, it hurts not seeing the face I was used to seeing every time I went home, waking up late at night knowing that I lost the one thing which was so important to me is something else. I have went through it and it's not pretty at all.

"Is dad here, I need to speak with you two" I instead asked. I don't want to waste too much time or think about it more coz I will chicken out.

"Yes he is in the bathroom" I nodded taking deep breaths "is everything alright," she asked concerned.

"Yes, everything is great" I reply. She nodded as we moved inside the house with me holding her hand in mine, let me hold it coz I don't know whether I will hold it after I drop the bomb.  We walked to the leaving room as mum called dad. Martha brought me a glass of water as she smiled at me encouragingly as if she knew what I was about to say" She squeezed my shoulder when she passed by.

Dad made his presence known breathing so hard as if he had run a marathon. When he reached the room he pulled me into a tight hug without saying anything, that's his way of saying that he missed me or he is glad to see me or glad I am ok. He squeezed my shoulder gently "glad to see you, son, we were worried about you and Eva" he said smiling widely.

"Good to see you too," I say nervously "Can I talk to you both, I need to tell you something" they nodded, and the worried look on mom's face didn't go unnoticed. We all settled down as we looked at each other, this was it. At least I have Marc and hopefully, Everett, hope it isn't too late for him to have me back. But what if he chose that Nick guy, what if I am too late? Shit, fuck, only the thought of seeing him with other guys makes my blood boil.

But I need to do this for me and my peace of mind.

I need to be happy with the man I love to death and after here, I'm going to make sure that I win his heart again.

"Jared you're scaring us, what happened, where is Eva, did something happen to her. Did you fight? Is my granddaughter ok" mum rushed out worriedly? I took a deep breath.

"I need to tell you something" I sigh gripping my fingers, my heart not doing justice to me "there is a part of me that I hid from you all these years but I can't hide it anymore" I breathe in fumbling with my hands. I was scared, so scared out of my bones.

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