Chapter 6

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I look at my phone ringing again and it's my husband calling. I flipped it down not in the mood to talk to him now as I drove around the city, I was even dreading to go open up my shop to make myself busy but I knew better than that. No matter how much I make myself busy, my mind will not stop going around, I can't stop thinking about what happened earlier, the way his family humiliated me, they treated me like a beggar who had been eating on there son's wealth.

I'm really so mad.

So pissed off yet I don't have a right to be angry. I knew what I assigned for when I accepted to be with Jared. I knew no matter what he will not stand up to his parents not even for me, I know he loves me but I know he loves his parents more and I don't blame him, they are his parents he had to love them but it hurts plus I can't be mad at him or pressure him into something. I don't want what happened to me with my parents happen to him, I may pretend to be fine, say that I'm over it but there is a part of me which wishes for them to be still in my life.

I miss them.

They were the best parents, did everything for me and they loved me though, their love stopped the day I came out.

But I can't help to think this, Jared is older enough but the fear for his parents is so much and its sad.

I took in a deep breath and parked the car outside the cafe, getting in, I ordered frozen yogurt. It always calms me down in these type of situation. I put my phone in airplane mode so that Jared can stop calling for just a fuckin second. I need to think, I need to find a way for being in this marriage happy if I don't want these in-laws on my back. I started eating my frozen yogurt my mind running around in circles trying to think of a solution.

I don't know how long I sat there eating a cup per cup of frozen yogurt thinking so hard yet my mind came out with nothing. Browsing my watch, my eyes widened in shock, I can't believe I have been inaugurated here for six hours straight. I call the waiter to bring me the cheque, when she hands it to me I paid and left of course tipping her. I switch on my phone seeing that I had many voices notes from my husband, poor thing might be freaking out.

My heart ached.

I sigh getting into the car and driving off to chez's restaurant to buy him some Chinese food and Sushi, this is Jared's favorite restaurant. I tell them to pack for me. My eyes on my phone seeing I'm sorry coming in like insects. The woman handed me the paper bag as I nodded to her in thanks moving out all my eyes on my phone reading Jared's SMS. I whipped my head up when I heard someone calling me.

"Everett right" i looked at the man who looked familiar.

"Yeah do I know you" I ask confused.

"Oh you forgot about me, it's me Nicklaus Grey" my eyes widened in surprise

"Nicklaus oh my god, you changed. I didn't even recognize you" I say as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"You changed too but I recognized you when you were standing at the counter" he said cheerfully. Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to the person who made me realize that I was gay. my high school crush.

Nicklaus Grey.

"So what's up, how are you," I enunciated

"I'm fine and you man you look great all muscular and fit" I blush at the compliment.

"Thanks you look good too, I may say" I asserted

"Give me your number man, I want to catch up. My parents are waiting for me you know it's my birthday today" I look at him with surprise

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