Chapter 17

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Doctor Emerson checked on Ev the next day and so far everything was fine. He even said that Ev was most likely to not get the side effects because my baby was strong and I'm so proud of him though I had to pay the man to not go back to Florida yet coz what if something happens and he was far away, I couldn't risk that. Even though Ev was against it but I can't risk my baby's life. I want to be a hundred percent that he was fine before doing anything else.

Good thing the man stayed saying that he even wanted to take a vacation from work for a few months which I appreciated so much. I made sure to rent him a nice apartment and provided him with whatever he may need here. The man even shipped his wife and kids to come here saying that he was bored being alone which I thought wasn't a problem as far as he was one call away I didn't care.

Ev was so excited about the baby, I have never seen my baby this happy since I met him. Ok, I may have extrapolated there but seeing a smile on his lips every day makes my day. Sometimes I catch him talking to his belly like he was talking to a grown-up which puts a smile on my lips. I may pretend to not be happy but damn I was so fucken happy that we're having a baby.

On the other hand, Ev had to pretend again in front of my parents who were happy to hear that he was pregnant. They haven't caught on to our lie yet since nowadays Ev only wears long dresses with makeup every time even if we were together, he puts on that. We came to that decision because my parents always pop up whenever they want. One day they almost caught Ev and if it wasn't for my baby to see them first they would have seen him which would have been a very very bad thing.

I don't know what they would do if they found out that Eva is my Ev, they heard created a bond between them over the past months which was great but if they find out, hell will suffice. They love him to death and sometimes I think they love him more than they love me though I don't care, seeing my love talk to my parents like that is a dream come true. Though I just wish they could love him the way he was.

Everett is just perfect.

They keep on saying that he was good for me and sometimes I get fade up and I just want to snap at them and tell them the truth but I catch myself coz I know what will happen if I come out to them. First, they will get disgusted by Ev, who was a man and pregnant. I know they will freak out and call my love names that I will not like.

Second, they will be disappointed in me, and they will take everything that I have now and I need this, we have a baby on the way whom I want to spoil like forever and I know Ev's bookshop can't support us with the baby.

Third, it will hurt like hell looking in their eyes and seeing how disgusted they are towards me, they will call me names and I can't take that. I love my parents so much, I can do anything for them but thinking of the look of repugnance in their eyes will break me.

I'm their only son, the heir, so I know this will give them a heart attack too, and one thing is I don't want to see my parents in pain. The good thing, Everett is ok with this pretense so my mind is settled there.

So telling my parents is out of the equation.

I sighed as I got out of the car and walked towards the house with a big smile on my lips as I balanced the chocolate butter cake with sunflowers in my hands for my baby. I saw a car I didn't know in the parking lot, I think Wes or Wallace are here to visit him since he stays home the whole day. The doctor said that it was ok for him to go back to work coz according to him, Everett is fine and he can do whatever he wants.

Though that doesn't sit well with me, I just need a few days to make sure that he was perfectly fine, so that he could go back to work. I opened the door with a smile not wavering at all but then I frowned hearing laughter in the living room and when the person talked I didn't know the voice and it's certainly not Wes or Wallance so...

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