chapter 3

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"Um mom can I talk to you for a sec" I say after dropping off my date. I have just find out that the woman they want me to marry and give them their grand children had just moved in with them. This was the second day I'm seeing her and to tell you that I like her I be would lying. Yes she is nice, wealthy, beautiful and all but she's not the person I want in my life. The person I want is at home probably waiting for me to come back from my date.

I know it hurts him but I don't have anything to do. If you have the homophobic parents like mine you would know. I know he was disowned by his and it hurts him I can see it in his eyes when he talks about them or when his younger sister tells him about them. He misses them. I love him so much but i just can't let my parents hate me. I'm their only child,they expect more from me and if I come out as a queer hell will break through. Mum smiled nodding after giving her future "daughter" in law a kiss on the cheek.

Damn, she loves this one way too much. How am I going to do this time,I think I'm out of excuses. We walked side by side with me holding her small waist protectively towards the backyard. my mum had a big grin on her lips.

"So how was she, I bet you liked her, she is perfect and I can see the chemistry between you two" she squealed happily, seeing her happy like this makes me sad that one day I will disappoint her. She has so much hopes for me. I sighed breathing in and out kissing her cheek lovingly,

Here we go.

"I don't like her" I say lowly fumbling with my fingers.

"What, why? she's perfect, gorgeous, beautiful. She knows how to cook and most importantly she comes from a wealthy family" she looked at me with those blue eyes of hers with sadness and confusion "she is a bank manager, intelligent what more do you like. She is different from all the girls I have been getting you" she said seriously putting her hands over her slim waist.

"She's just not my--type" I matter

"Oh...then who is your type Jared tell me" her eyebrows arched up. My lips opened and closed wanting to tell her that I'm gay and I'm married but words always gets stuck in my throat. I know her,she will flip. I'm a twenty-eight-year-old man but my parents are fearful. If I tell her I will lose everything I have.

"Let's get another one" I mutter.

"No Jared" she knitted her eyebrows, her red lips pressed together in a scowl "you're going to marry Lydia, have kids with her and that's final" my eyes broadened looking at her in horror "I want you to go back to that apartment of yours and tell your "buddy" whom you live with to move out because Lydia is moving in" she turned around wanting to live but I stopped her

"I can't mum" I say making her to spin around

"Why not"

"I can't move in with Lydia" I breathed in, that house belongs to Everett my love no else and I can't let another woman live there. Everett will flip and I don't want that. I love him so much to do that to him.

"You're moving in with her Jared like it or not. I'm fifty-three I need grandchildren and the way I see your love life, it sucks. So Lydia is perfect for you" she drawled

"I already have someone I like" I blurted out without thinking, what's wrong with me. That's when my dad decided to appear.

"Who is she" mum asked Walking back at me. "why didn't you tell me before"

"B-because it's complicated but I like hi- her" I corrected myself before my tongue could slip.

"What's her name" she asked, disbelief in her eyes.

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