Chapter 11

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I examined the pill in my hand contemplating whether I should take it or not. Two weeks had passed since Jared refused me to take it, I have been begging him to accept me to do it but all I get is a hard hefty no. The way I see things he wasn't going to change his mind anytime soon.

I don't even know why I'm so bend into doing this, I should let it go but my heart and my body say otherwise.  I know the risks, I know I would be putting my life in danger but I can't help it, and seeing Tony and Ace cuddling their baby boy intrigued me to no end and those were the main reasons why I even crossed dressed so that I can get pregnant without people freaking out. I can't believe I pulled it off like that.

I never thought wearing women's clothes are that comfortable, at first I was uncomfortable but the more I crossdress the more I feel more comfortable. I can't believe I felt good in my body like all these times I had to do it. I have to put on a dress or skirt whenever I'm meeting Jared's parents whom I have managed to fool. They love me like really love me and they want me to be their "daughter" in law which hurts because I don't want to be their daughter in law, I want to be their son-in-law. I might feel comfortable in Eva's body but that's not me. I love being a man but I did all of that because of love.

For the one I love.

I can't watch my husband sleep with another woman or get married to her. Knowing Jared he would go through whatever his parents' say inorder to not come out of the closet. It hurts cause I'm willing to do everything in my power just to be with him. I'm willing to go to hell for that man but the bad thing he wasn't which hurts but I understand him.

I lost my family because of it and one thing, I know about Jared he loves his family more than anything in this world which is totally fine with me. I can't compete with his family, he had known them for all his life and me for just a few years so I don't want him to lose their love like I lost mine.

Nowadays he is more happier coz he is in a good place with his family. They loved me and I can see the twinkle in his eyes when he is talking to them. He had gone back to the way he was. And I just want him to be happy always, that's more than a reason why I have to do this.

His parents will soon ask him for grandchildren and what a better way to start now. I sighed deeply looking around the book shop looking at the pill again. I really want to do it. My phone buzzed in my pockets making me put the pill away.

Pulling it out I saw that it was Norah, Jared's mother. Yes, that's another thing, the woman fall in love with me and she doesn't take a day or two without reaching out to me.  We're creating a bond with her and talking to her this much, made me realize that they are not bad people like I assumed they were, they love Jared with all their hearts and they want what's good for him.

"Hello," I say sweetly.

"Eva, honey how are you," she said her voice so elegant and calming.

"I'm fine Norah, how are you?" I ask

"I'm fine sweetie, I have this thing tonight and I was wondering if you can come and assist me with your cooking skills. The chef I had hired bailed on me last minute and as you know cooking isn't my thing" she asked. I took a deep breath, I cooked for them one time and they enjoyed my food to no end, now she always does this.

"At what time," I ask, I can't deny her maybe if she finds out the truth that I'm Everett she will love me due to the bond we had created, I know I'm acting stupid trying to impress Jared's parents but I'm willing to keep Jared forever. So if he wants his parents in his life, I will do anything but the question is...

until when.

"If you're not busy can you come now," she said hesitantly.

"I'm not that busy, I can come" she squealed happily.

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