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The drops of rain crashed on his face. Wetting his hair, his clothes. His shoes were filling up little by little with rain water and making horrible sounds at each step.

He was running.

He ran without thinking, the only thing which matters was to see Jisoo.

Jeonghan knew the way to the café by heart.

After this street, turn left, cross the subway to avoid the rain, go out the other side and go straight to a small square where three poor bushes were fighting each other.

The light from the café warmly illuminated the street and the interior of the building seemed so alive while everything outside was so empty and cold.

He was there.

With a big smile on his face, he was putting cups of coffee and tea with cakes on a table where women had taken refuge, surely surprised by the storm.

One of the women must have said something stupid, probably something like: "Well, the rain surprised us but if it's to be served by such a beautiful young man I want it more often" because Jeonghan could see Jisoo blushing and laughing with an embarrassed face while tightening his tray against his chest as to protect himself.

It was obvious that they were hitting on him.

"Are you kidding me Jisoo?" Said Jeonghan more to himself than to anyone who would listen. "They could be my mother..."

Jeonghan had a bitter taste in his mouth. Probably jealousy. He hadn't made Jisoo smile, he made him cry.

Further, into the café, the pink-haired boy raised his head and met the almost sad gaze of the one who had been his idol.

He turned to ask his boss for a break, and when she gave him the green light, he went to the door and began to open it.

Jeonghan was standing in the rain. To the outside eye, he looked like a ghost with his hair falling over his eyes.

Jisoo came to him, he was furious.

"Jeonghan." He said. "I thought I was clear with my "goodbye". Go away. I don't want to see you again."

"May I kiss you?" asked Jeonghan, ignoring him.

Jeonghan looked at him with his black eyes. He had a serious face which was surprising.

"What?" Answered the pink-haired boy, totally lost.

"Are you deaf!?!!" Jisoo jumped when Jeonghan suddenly changed the tone of his voice. "I asked you if I could kiss you."

Jisoo looked at him confused. He didn't understand and tried to sound out his soul to see if he was lying.

Jeonghan was a great liar.

His Persian eyes seemed to say that he was really serious.

That's why Jisoo didn't move when Jeonghan started to get closer. He didn't hit him with his tray either when the boy, wet to the core (I remind you), took him gently in his arms and put his head, heavy with reproach and hatred towards himself, on his shoulder.

"Jisoo I'm sorry! If you only knew how much I felt bad... But the truth is that I've become addicted to you Jisoo... I just... I can't live without you and your messages... Your lovely messages Jisoo..." He clutched the boy's shirt with his hands, preventing himself from bursting into tears. "Forgive me Jisoo... Forget about this story, will you... If you don't want to go out with me anymore, I'll understand but... Let's at least stay friends... I can't stand not receiving your messages to get me out of my deadly routine."

The tray crashed on the flood with a thud.

The rain was still falling but now it seemed to be singing a song.

Jisoo slowly brought his hands up and put them on Jeonghan's head to hug him tighter.

"I thought you didn't like boys." He said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I guess I fell in love with a boy. But admit it, Jisoo... Who couldn't fall in love with you?"

"Definitely not you!" He said with a giggle.

And the pink-haired boy went into a fit of laughter. Jeonghan smiled too, his head still buried in Jisoo's neck.

Then reality came back.

"Shit! Work! My boss will kill me!" Jisoo yelled.

"Still suck huh?"

"Yoon Jeonghan respect your new boyfriend and go into that café. If you stay outside you will catch a cold." Said Jisoo, entering the building, followed by Jeonghan whose cheeks were slightly tinged with red.

A coffee with 3 sugars - [JIHAN]Where stories live. Discover now