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Yoon Jeonghan turned off his cellphone and putted it on the table between a glass of orange juice and a plate of pancakes. The window at his right lighted his face with a pretty natural light. With his hand that he put in his hair, he cleared his view from the hair which fell in his eyes. He let his long and thin fingers slip to the earrings that he was wearing since the day before.

He had found them among the heaps of white and pink letters, all sent by his fans. The envelope seemed different than the others, sober, made of kraft paper. The writting which was used to write the adress was meticulus and delicate.

He had opened it, curious, and with his fingers extracted a pair of beautiful earings. The kind of long and pendant earings. He wasn't really used to wear this kind of jewellery but they intrigued him and he rushed to the bathroom to put them.

And then, seeing himself in the mirror of his bathroom, he understood that this fan knew him probably better than him. The earings went so pretty that he even asked himself why dosen't he wear more often this kind of earings.

He walked with a fast step throught the corridor which separated his bathroom to his living room where he had spilled the pile of letters and where the floor wasn't praticable anymore. he crushed some piece of pink papers covered by heart styckers or flower.

He found pretty easily the envelope and he opened it a new time to see if there were something he missed in it. But everything the boy found was a little card where letter had formed these few words : "I hope you'll like it"

The boy surprised himself when he saw that the envelope nor the card was signed.

Then there was this message.

He have opened Instagram, wanted to see what his fan thought about his new earrings that he didn't wanted to remove. Every feedback were positif. Jeonghan wasn't surprised, his community had always been nice. But when he went read his DM, he saw this message.

It came frome a little account with not much followers, the profil picture was a photo of a cup of coffee and the post was all pictures of landscapes or sunset.

Jeonghan was used to recieve a lot of textes from his fan since he started to post on social media, but he never had recieve such a pleasant message to read as this one.

Through this text, we could feel all the tenderness and the kidness of the person. 

It was now few hours he was thinking about it. Strangely, He wanted to meet this person. He wanted to know her as she knew him.

But he had to be wary. Being an influencer wasn't easy and talking to anyone like that because their first text was adorable could easily end badly.

He turned on his phone for the umpteenth time, his glass of juice in hand.

He read the text again.


And again.

He clicked on the screen.

And started to write his answer.

A coffee with 3 sugars - [JIHAN]Where stories live. Discover now