"Two," Korra answered, blinking as he stopped burning her eyes off with the blinding light. Her voice sounded so spacy and weird... the fuck?

"Do you remember your name?" She then asked her, placing the flashlight on thr nightstand and taking out a pen and a clipboard.

"I'm Korra," she said, still not used to the way she sounded, "what's yours?"

She smiled at her, looking up to meet her eyes. "I'm Zhu li, your doctor. i
It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She polietly answered. What was that supposed to mean? "How are you feeling, Korra?"

"Been better." Was all she managed to get out, feeling sweat starting to cover her body from the pain.

"From a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" She asked.

"Eight." Korra answered, wincing from a sudden stab of pain. "No, nine."

"Nine?" Zhu li repeated to confirm.

"Yes. When I woke up before it was a ten though." Korra mumbled, barely having the energy to do that. "What happened to me?"

"We will discuss the details of your injury at length, I promise. But before that we just have to go through all these questions, alright?" Korra nodded, and the doctor continued. "Do you recognize your visitors?"

Korra glanced to the side, where her 'visitors' had been standing, looking at her hopefully and nervously. Now that she got a good look at them, it seemed like her parents had been years older, and Suro had longer hair then Korra remembered her to have. D-did she lose her memory? But if so, shouldn't her head hurt? What happened?

"My parents," now, Korra's voice was different, "and S-Suro, from my unit... what's going on? Why are you guys..." she couldn't bring herself to finish that sentence, feeling tears in her throat. Why do you look like that? Why are you looking at me like that?

"Korra, now we're moving to the physical side of things," Zhu li seriously said, "I'm going to sting you with this needle, and you'll have to tell me if you're able to feel anything, okay?"

"Why wouldn't I feel it?" Korra asked, confused.

The doctor didn't answer, and had started poking Korra around in different areas and limbs. It was unpleasant, but Korra stuck through as it was nothing compared to the pain she felt in her lower back.

But when she had gotten to Korra's legs, she blinked in confusion when the stab had never come, and when she dared looked, she saw that Zhu li was looking at her like she was waiting on an answer, and that freaked Korra out.

"What are you waiting for?" Korra asked, her heart beating faster and faster with each passing second as the doctors looked at each other's with looks Korra simply could not read.

And then the answer she dreaded had come. She half expected it, like she knew subconsciously what she was about to say, but when she heard it, she felt like her entire world had collapsed.

"I already stang you," Zhu li said calmly, "are you sure you haven't felt anything, perhaps a tiny bit of pressure?"

"I..." no, she didn't. "I'm not sure, try again?"

She did, and this time Korra kept looking, just to make sure. But she saw the needle go in, and out, and she still hadn't felt anything. It was like it was someone else's leg, and when Korra tried moving it under the doctor's orders, it didn't budge.

"B-but this could be the pain medication, right?" She desperately asked, panicking. "This isn't... I can't be..."

Temporary paralysis as a result of a spinal cord injury.

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