Twenty-six: One part brave, three parts fool

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***Ten points if you can comment which movie/book series that title is referencing. ;D***

Azriel was sure his brothers could feel the waves of tension rippling off him as the three of them stepped through the mansion's front door. Everything felt wrong. He gazed around the once-grand entry hall, its corners and crevices shrouded in dusty shadows, noting the absolute stillness of the place. Too still. Too silent.

"Rhys..." Cassian murmured, sounding unsettled.

"I feel it.", Rhys hissed back. Well, Az though, at least it's not just me. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

Azriel tried to focus as Rhys cleared his throat. This was their role; to quite literally ring the doorbell so Tamlin and whatever creature resided inside him would come to greet them. They needed his eyes off the study, and what better way to achieve that, than to provide Tamlin with familiar, unwelcome faces.

"It seems your house needs a little renovation, Tamlin.", Rhys called, projecting his voice up the marble staircase.

"What if he's gone deaf?", Cassian snorted quietly.

"His wards will have detected us by now. Rhys just has to put on a show.", Azriel said flatly.

"Was only joking, Az," the general pouted, clearly trying to lighten the mood, "you're no fun."

"I know."

"I may not be as savvy as you, but I can tell something's wrong.", Cassian pushed quietly, concern lining his features.

"I appreciate it, brother, but now's really not the time."

"Alright, but whatever it is, we're here for you, Az.", Rhys whispered over his shoulder. Azriel nodded in gratitude, then flicked his eyes up to the staircase where a figure had just ambled into view.

"Ssssso, Rhysssssand, you do like to play with ffffire." The horrible, ageless voice that emerged from Tamlin's lips rattled around in Azriel's brain. Just like it had in the forest, the sound felt wrong.

"How so?", Rhys asked coolly.

"Well, I'd sssssay you're a fool for ssshhhowing up here, and with sssso little backup."

"Aw, come on Tamlin, give us a little credit.", Cassian said jovially, forcing a laugh.

"That weak high lord isssss no longer in control here. Only I remain."

"And you are?" Rhys took a step forward, as if he'd approach the 'thing' to shake hands.

"My name cannot be sssssspoken in thisssss world. You know my children as Sssereborssss, but I am far sssuperior to them. I am eternal and invincible."

"Sounds like you've got a bit of an inflated sense of self-importance, too.", Cassian retorted, stepping up beside Rhys.

"You dare sssspeak to me with sssssuch dissssrespect?"

The creature made Tamlin advance down the stairs, anger flaring in bright red eyes. Azriel stepped closer as well, a hand instinctively drifting to truthteller.

"You!" Those red orbs landed on him for the first time, and Az fought to hold their burning intensity. "You ffffeel like the other one."

"What are you talking about.", Azriel growled. He knew, of course, but they needed to buy Gwyn and Ellius as much time as possible.

"The little one. The one with the broken sssspirit. He'ssss been ussseful to ussss."

The one with the broken spirit. Azriel felt his heart squeeze at the truth in that description. Ellius' spirit had been broken. He had to remind himself that they were well on the way to piecing it back together, though. Had to remind himself that, despite having returned with them to spring today, his mate was free. He'd come by choice. His own choice. He was free.

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