Nineteen: An Incredible Thing

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"To control a Shadowsinger, you need to understand the source of their shadows." Ellius felt the words leave his lips. The truth he could finally reveal.

"And she found yours." Rhysand's words weren't a question, but Ellius nodded anyway. He couldn't help but look at Azriel. The male was silent, his face emotionless, but, just as he had before, Ellius could see the what lay in the depth of his hazel eyes. Hurt, anger, confusion and so much more that he couldn't put a name to.

"Go on," The high lord prompted.

"Yes. So Amarantha figured it out. She dug into my past," he looked at Rhysand again, "used your gifts to delve into my mind. I've never really been trained in mental defence, so she found everything she needed. That was also when she figured out that I'm a daemati." Rhysand's head snapped to Azriel at that.

"A... Did you know?" he asked sharply. Az nodded.

"It was irrelevant," he said flatly. Ellius's chest constricted at the tone, but he knew he had to finish his story, so he continued, running a finger absently over the grain of the wooden table.

"I was in the throne room when the high lady was brought in. I saw her three trials. I also went down to her cell whenever I had a spare moment. I knew the guards down there could be... temperamental. I didn't want anything to compromise Feyre's ability to complete her tasks." Ellius shuddered at the memories. He couldn't have interfered directly, but after nearly fifty years, he hadn't been about to let that chance of freedom slip away, as bruised and weak as it had appeared.

"Another thing I should thank you for," Rhys said, smiling slightly, "it seems we were working in tandem without realising it. I went down there as much as I could, but it's comforting to know you were watching out for her when I could not." Ellius bowed his head slightly.

"So how does Tamlin fit into all this?" Azriel asked, voice still flat.

"Well, I thought Amarantha's control would end once she died, and it did... in a way. What I didn't realise was that, for the few weeks he was under the mountain with her, Tamlin found one of her spell books. It just happened to be the one containing her notes about how she controlled me. Tamlin used his limited power to steal it, and Amarantha was so caught up in Feyre's trials that she never noticed when he transferred my control to him." Ellius paused, noting the rage on both Rhysand and Azriel's faces.

"So, you're telling me," The high lord said, his voice like the blackest night, "that the prick spent his spare moments under the mountain searching for gods dammed spell books, instead of trying to figure out a way to get Feyre out?! That flower growing, self-absorbed, idiotic-"

"Rhys! As angry as I am, and trust me, I want to tear that male apart for a whole list of reasons, this is not important right now," Azriel said quickly, though he was obviously trying very hard to contain his own quiet fury. Rhysand ran a hand through his blue-black hair.

"I know," he sighed, "sorry, Ellius, please continue."

"I don't think anyone knew, but when Tamlin and the others went back to the Spring court, he brough me along. I've been there since. He had to find a way to uncover my past, but once he did, well... free reign."

"But, what about the Serebors?" Rhysand asked. Ellius took a deep breath. The pain does not control you. Azriel's words replayed in his mind. He wouldn't not let the fear of pain control him. Not anymore. 

"Tamlin summoned one of them just over a year ago using an incantation from the spell book he stole. He didn't really explain himself to me, but I think some twisted part of his mind told him that it would help him earn the respect of the other high lords or take control of their lands or something like that."

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