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Hakim wasn't in the mood to go out for dinner. He had a bad feeling about it, something told him he wouldn't like Gigi's friend and so he wasn't very excited to meet him.

He wanted to just stay at home for the night but there were two things stopping him from doing so: first of all, he'd already given his word and didn't want to disappoint Gigi and second, there was no freaking way he'd let her meet that...Friend alone. Who knew what could happen!

So that's why he sat on the bed, already dressed and watching as Gigi went in and came out of the bathroom giddily. She was very excited while Hakim was only sulking more. He didn't like the way she made herself extra pretty to meet her friend. She wore a black slip dress and red lipstick that made her look absolutely divine.

 She wore a black slip dress and red lipstick that made her look absolutely divine

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 She turned at one point toward Hakim and held her hair up.

"What do you think, babe? Up or down?"

"Down..." He replied.

"Yeah? You're right, I think it would make me look more relaxed."

Hakim rolled his eyes. Gigi didn't miss it through the mirror and it made her chuckle. In fact, she didn't miss any of Hakim's attitude since she told him about the dinner. She decided to end his misery at once. She made her way toward him and sat on his lap, arms draped over his shoulders.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked.

Hakim shrugged, not wanting to meet her eyes.

"Are you...Jealous?"

"No, I'm not!" He scoffed. "Why would I be?"

"I don't know...You just seem a little bit off since this morning. I mean, if it's because of Antoine...You really don't have to worry about him. We have known each other for a very long time and I can assure you that there is no chemistry between us, whatsoever. You know, I met him before Augustin and he's not the one I ended up marrying. Because we don't see each other that way."

"Really?" Hakim said, finally looking into her eyes.

"Yes...Plus you know what? Even if there was something, Antoine still won't have a chance next to you. I love you so much, it's actually scary. I don't think I will ever be able to have romantic feelings for another man again."

Hakim smiled, which made Gigi kiss his cheek lovingly.

"I'm just that great, aren't I?"

"You are...Now, stop pouting. We will be having free dinner so there is nothing to be sad about here."


Gigi went to pick up her purse. She was ready to go and so was Hakim. Thomas was waiting for them in the living room. Gigi drove to Antoine's restaurant, which was in one of the most hyped areas of the city.

The place hadn't changed much since her last visit, years ago. That's what made the charm of the restaurant, she assumed. Apparently, it was run since the fifties by Antoine's grandparents. It was a successful family business.

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