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Hakim hid under his blanket with his eyes closed, exhausted though he didn't have much work to do during the day

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Hakim hid under his blanket with his eyes closed, exhausted though he didn't have much work to do during the day. His thoughts tired him more than anything else. He couldn't stop the feeling of guilt for putting Gigi in such a tricky situation. The worse was not knowing what to do to help her out.

The only thing that came to his mind was to just leave but he wasn't noble enough for that. He knew how hard it was to survive out there. It was difficult enough to find someone who would hire an illegal worker and it was also very risky. If he was to be caught by the police, things could only get worse. He'd heard too many horror stories from other immigrants that had such a dark fate.

No, the only thing Hakim could do was wait and hope that Gigi could find a solution to keep him around.

Two quiet knocks made him emerge from his hiding spot.


The door opened and in came Thomas. Hakim looked at the clock over his nightstand. It was one in the morning.

"You're not sleeping?" He asked the kid that made his way closer to the bed.

"Couldn't." He whispered. "Do you mind if I stay with you for a while? I didn't wake you up, right?"

"I couldn't sleep either...Come."

Hakim made a place for him on the bed. Thomas scratched the back of his neck.

"Actually...I'm not alone."

Gigi also came through the door with a sheepish grin.

"Can I join too?" She asked.

Hakim smiled before pushing himself to the far end of the bed. Thomas climbed and Gigi laid on the right side. She moved a few times to find a comfortable position before asking with a frown:

"Is it weird that I'm currently laying on my housekeeper's bed ?"

"A little," Thomas responded after thinking about it for a few seconds. "But who cares?"

Gigi chuckled. Thomas was pretty content to be in the middle. It reminded him of when he was much younger and would sleep with his parents. Of course, he didn't mention it because as happy that memory made him feel, it still couldn't bury the pain it came with. His mother was slowly getting over the grief and he surely didn't want to remind her of it.

Instead, Thomas turned towards the housekeeper and asked the question that was bugging him the most.

"How did you end up coming to France, Hakim ?"

Gigi was laying on her back with her eyes closed but she was just as curious as Thomas. Hakim cleared his throat.

"Well...I would have to tell you the story of my life in Ghana to respond to your question...That's a pretty boring story, though."

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