Souls (P) [part 2/4]

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Y/n's pov:

I noticed a boy standing in the back. He stared at me, and I turned to him. I smiled, and he smiled back. This beautiful moment lasted for two seconds. Daniel started tugging my hand. I turned to him, and I saw the boy turning away as well.
"What?" I asked.
"Pick me up please" he whined, and I saw a little fear in his eyes. I knew he was afraid. He didn't even want to come in.

I grabbed him and picked him up, sitting him on my hip.
"Better?" I made a half-smile.
"Mhm" he nodded.
"You better be more brave, you know"
"Mhm" he hummed.
I turned back to the boy, only to see that he picks up a little boy too.
"Look" I whispered to Daniel, who immediately gazed towards them.
The boy was holding a little boy, seemingly the same age as Daniel. He held him the same way as I did with my brother. We made eye contact, and we both erupted in a laugh.
The only sad thing is that no one saw that (except for Daniel and the little boy).

Soon we all sat by a big table, and the Madrigal family told us all about the town and themselves. I stayed quiet, listening to the sea of informations. They asked us too, but more likely my family. To be honest, no one talked to me. But I didn't mind it, I'm used to it.
They got along pretty well, as I think.

Camilo's pov:

The others told me that the girl doesn't speak. That she has no gift. They told me to make her feel bad. Because she is different. But I couldn't get myself to do it, not when she smiles and laughs like that. She can't be someone to earn such a bad first impression because if she would be that bad, would she smile that sweetly to a complete stranger?

I sat at the table, looking at her as the others chatted. She really didn't speak, and made nothing special. However, her eyes said something else. I could tell she feels like they have forgotten about her. Because they did. She just sat there, eating silently.
For real, there is no way for her to be like what they tell about her!

No one's pov:

After the delicious dinner, all went outside to wave a goodbye to the L/ns.
Two little boy jumped happily when their parents said they can meet up tomorrow, and two mothers shook their head playfully at them. Three people waved gladly at the Madrigals, and one girl stood there confused and broke down.

Not a soul would care about her right now, they all forgot her for a whole evening. But one, this time a living young soul, noticed her sadness, and shyly waved at her with a little smile. A smile what made the girl brighten up, just by the fact that he cares a little bit. Little did she know that the boy with curly hair and freckles doesn't care a little bit, but he cares a lot? I guess not. But that's the future's song.

The girl waved back with the same little smile, and then followed the rest of his family to their home. The girl turned away with her parents, but the boy stayed there and watched her for a while. His family started going back into the house, and his sister informed him.
"Camilo, we're going back. Come in"
The Madrigals talked about the new family in the living room, but Camilo didn't want to hear bad things about the girl so he went back into his room. He couldn't help but get suspicious of the girl. She can't be that bad. No way.

Y/n's pov:

My family turned around, so I did too and started my way home. But in the moment I turned, I saw Leila standing in front of me. I simply walked through her, and she followed me.
"Don't think I didn't see you" she teased. " two..."
A smirk plastered on her face as she walked by my side.
"What did you see?" I asked confused, because nothing special happened. Well, except for the fact that my family forgot that I exist.

"You and that boy. The one who held his brother"
"You mean Camilo?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I got to know everyone and everything while I listened to the talking people at dinner. She nodded.
"Yeah. You smiled at him" Leila grinned cheekily.
"You never smile at anyone who's not your family" she pointed out. Well, that's true.
"Because no one looks at me like he did" I admitted, whispering. In fact, it was completely unnecessary, my other family members were busy talking and leaving me behind.
"So you like him" she more likely stated.

"He seems like he likes me, so if he does, than I do like him too" I wisely explained.
"He is special" she wondered. "But does anyone know that you have a gift?"
"No. I mean, you probably saw it, they totally forgot about me"
"Yeah, I saw that. Does it hurt?" she worried.
"Not really, I'm used to being invisible" I answered, but I felt a bit bad. They are my family after all.

We got home and guess what happened. In a nutshell, my parents asked us what we think of the Madrigals and the town. And they noticed that I am there too. They asked why I was so silent, I told them that everyone forgot me, and they said sorry. But more likely they gasped, and then begged for my forgiveness.
This never happened before, mom always gave me attention because of my weird self. And now she felt super guilty. I calmed her that it wasn't that bad, and then I went to bed.

The next few days passed by, and on a sunny afternoon I decided to go exploring the forest, and the mountains. I had to sneak out, because my parents would surely say that it's dangerous.
I grabbed my bag and stuffed a water bottle and a little food in it. I hung it on my shoulder, and off I went. Obviously Leila came with me, so we talked all the way up. We chatted about random things, such as clothes, games what Daniel made me play, and even boys.

"So that Camilo, what's up with him, huh?" she asked as we climbed up the mountain.
"What would be? I didn't see him since then. Only from far distance. And he didn't notice me" I told her.
"Don't you want to know him better?" she questioned me.
"He should be the one who wants to know something about me. I know a lot about him" I reminded my bestie.
"Yeah, right. I forgot that" she admitted, and we continued the talking with bringing up another subject.

Camilo's pov:

I played hide and seek with the kids when I saw Y/n sneak out from their house. I followed her with my eyes, and saw that she was going out of the town. After we finished the game, I parted from the children, and walked towards where she went. Curiosity filled my whole being, I didn't see her since the dinner, and I wanted to know something about that mysterious girl. I saw her again, walking up the mountain. She talked. But she was alone. I became confused. Does she have an imaginary friend, or is she hallucinating? Or what? I looked around for any sign of a person or even an animal, but nothing. She spoke to the air...

I got my bravery, and started following her. She talked all the way up, having some shorter or longer pauses in between sentences. Like if she really would be talking to someone.
I followed with a quite big distance. When we got to the top, she looked around like if mesmerized by the sight. Her eyes shined, and her mouth was slightly open. I carefully stepped closer and closer, making louder voices with my steps than I would naturally. I didn't want to scare her.

Y/n's pov:

I stared at the gorgeous sight in front of me, amused by nature's beauty. The town between the mountains seemed like a little baby in a basket. The roofs almost glittered from the sunshine, sending an energetic wave of colors to my eyes. The mountains however were covered in green leaves, and the leaves waved like an ocean. So calming.

Suddenly I heard footsteps. Leila didn't make any sound, so I turned around surprised.
"Camilo!" I exclaimed, half happy but half shocked. He must be here to calm down from the hurry of the town.
"Hola, ...uhm Y/n?... Y/n, isn't it?" he stumbled upon his words. I nodded, once again showing him a smile.
"Do you come here often?" I asked.
"Uhm, yeah. When I have enough" he answered, a bit confused.
"Then you must want to be alone" I muttered, looking at Leila. She stood there with crossed arms and a smirk.

"Be brave" she whispered. I glared at her, and then turned back to Camilo.
"No, actually..." he trailed off "I came because of you. I followed you"
"Oh. But why?"
"Because I want to know something about you. Anything" he shrugged.
"Such as?" I asked, now interested in the boy.
"Why do you speak when you're alone?" he carefully said the question.
Oh, yeah. He will probably think (and he probably thinks already) that I'm on drugs or something.

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