Betrayed [part 1/2] (!TW!)

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(Heh, another angst. I noticed, more people read angst, than fluff. So there are two options. One, we are totally weird, or two, it's normal, i'm just not used to it. Anyway, I love writing these, so let's go.
Trigger warnings: yelling, crying, and more emotional damage. Oh, and blood.)

Y/n's pov:

Today I had a bad day. All came together, school tests, work at home, headache. But I put on a mask. A mask that smiles, a mask what is completely fine and happy.

In the afternoon I was in the Casa Madrigal. I washed the dishes, when Camilo came in. I didn't notice him first, and haven't got time to put on a smile.
"Y/n?" he tilted his head. I quickly smiled, but realized that this plan already failed.
"Yeah?" I finally asked, with a frown. Bad me, I can't even hide my problems. It worked since like five years, but now it became harder, and I failed.

"Are you sad?" he questioned me. I wasn't sad at all. I was angry, because of all the things I can't do.
"No" I answered, turning back to the sink.
"But I can see..."
"I'm just not happy" I snapped. Ugh. It's starting. I can't even control myself.
"Okay, and can I know why?" Camilo continued, a careful smile on his face.
"Why you want to know?"
"Because I'm your boyfriend?" he told me confused. "Hey, is there any problem? What's wrong?" he asked, but I could tell, he's bored of me right now. His voice felt cold, like he wouldn't care, just asks it because he's not wanting me to be rude.
My hands shook a little, and my last calm thoughts died.

"Yes, there ARE problems!" I shouted, and he backed away from my sudden outburst. "Even though you don't notice them!"
"It's not my fault, that you don't tell me anything!" he responded, raising his voice. He was annoyed.
"You could've asked about it, if you would care!" now I couldn't stop myself. I totally lost control over my body. Anger burst in my veins, and all the five years came up like the cuts of the times opening again.

"You always wave me off with an ,,everything is fine''!" he reasoned.
"But nothing is fine! I'm not fine! Life isn't fine!" I cried. I still held back my tears, but it was hard to do.
"Then tell me!"
"I tell you! You know, school really sucks. I learn from sunrise to sunset, and after that in the evening! You don't know, how it can hurt. You don't have to go to school! Oh, yeah. The perfect Madrigals don't need to suffer with things like this!"
"Don't-" he tried to put in, but I continued on.

"And at home, I have to help my parents. I don't have problems with it, but they are also blind, just like you!! No one knows anything! No one sees, when I cry myself into sleep! No one sees, when I scream from the stress!" I was honest with him. Yes. I trusted him. And only him. It was a big mistake.
"It's not only you, who has problems to deal with! I will help you if you let me! But just for you to know, I also have days when it's hard to take myself together! Working all day! You know how hard it is?!" he said.

"Yes, I know! But you have no idea how it feels to have five years of never said negative feelings inside you! You have a big, loving family, and friends! But what I have? Parents who never care, and a lot of haters! I'm alone!! All I need is someone, who will care! Someone who I can tell these! Who would listen, and calm me!" I burst out. I even scared myself. No one knew it, and now I told him. Everything. But I wasn't ready for what he said.

"You're acting good" he said calmly. "What an acting... You're lying" he simply crossed his arms. I couldn't believe what I heard. All my tears escaped at the same time.
"I'm not lying" I quietly breathed out.
I turned away, and ran out of the kitchen, crying. I shouldn't have told him! This is why I kept it from everyone. No one can take me seriously. He was the only person who I trusted, and now he called me a liar. Because I told him what I really need.

I ran and ran, never stopping. The houses flew by, my vision became a blur, and my legs hurt. I reached the woods, and still ran. But then I tripped over a rock, and fell on the ground. As I was there, sitting on my legs, burying my face into my hands, I felt my leg hurt. I looked there just to see it bled a bit. Good, another problem what no one will care about.

I cried there like the world would end, because it ended for me a minute ago. When Camilo said I was acting. I would never do that. Even he doesn't believe me when it comes to my problems. Then who would? It's easy. No one.

I heard footsteps.
"Y/n!" I heard Camilo's voice. I tried to stand up, but my leg hurt so bad, I couldn't.
He reached me, and stopped beside my shaking figure. When he noticed the blood, he immediately kneeled down to look at it. I pulled my leg away, not looking at him.

In the next moment he simply grabbed me, and picked me up. He started to head back to the town, with me in his arms.
"Camilo" I tried to speak, but he shushed me.
"We can talk about this all when we calm down" he looked me in the eyes, and continued to carry me back to his home.

(Fact: Arguing is based on true events. It was my worst birthday ever. But it's not about me, so I hope this oneshot became good. Have an amazing day/night you all!)

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