You're beautiful (women's day special)

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(For all the women here. Happy international women's day!!! [As a girl I hope you've had a good day.] Now I try to boost your mood. :-*)

Y/n's pov:

Another morning, another dilemma with clothes. I prepared a (f/c) dress for today, but as I dressed up, I felt like it wasn't my best idea. To be honest, I don't like it on me.

I watched myself in the mirror, admiring my body, but I couldn't like my appearance. This was going on for like two annoying minutes, until I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I shouted, and turned to face the person stepping in my room.

"Good morning to my hermosa" Camilo walked in, closing the door behind him. I quickly responded with a small smile and a 'Good morning', before turning back to the mirror.
"What're you watching?" he asked, standing behind me. I turned around to face him with a serious face, and said what first came to my mind.
"I'm ugly"

He frowned.
"Are you blind?" he basically snapped at me.
"What?" was the only thing I could say.
"Just look at yourself" he took my hand, and spun me around. "You're gorgeous"
Even though he earned a smile from me, it didn't change my opinion on myself.

"No, I'm not" I stated, crossing my arms like a little child. I looked like a four years old who haven't got candy.
"If you say so" Camilo shrugged. He tried to sound normal and not laugh in the moment, but it was hard. I felt anger burst in my veins, like rivers. For a second I believed that he said it because he thinks it's true. But when I realized that he was joking, it was already too late.

"Camilo!!" I whined with hurt eyes, as if he would say I'm ugly. I stared at the floor, even a tear appeared in my eye. His face immediately changed to a worried one, finally understanding that I really see myself as a pile of garbage.
"Hey" he softly whispered, placing his hand on my cheek. "You know I was joking, right?"
I only nodded in agreement. I know. He lifted my face up to look at him. He was so sweet, looking at me with worry and love. I could melt under his gaze.

He looked directly in my eyes and proceeded to say his words in a soft, whispering tone. "When I say you're beautiful, I mean it. I've never seen anyone in this world who would be more attractive in my eyes than you. And no matter what you wear, you are still the gorgeous girl I love. With your beautiful face, and perfect smile."
When he finished, Camilo waited for my reaction. I froze, but then quickly hugged him tightly. A few tears dropped from my eyes, and I wore a wide smile. When I let go of him, he just replied with a kiss on my forehead. My anxiety vanished like fog.

"By the way, I came to say happy women's day" Camilo told me. He stepped away from me, and pulled out a red rose from– God knows where. He handled it to me while saying: "To my gorgeous querida"
I took it from his hand, cheeks burning as red as the rose was.

This is how it happened to me to have a beautiful morning with a rose in my hair.

(Hope you like it! I wish I could have a boyfriend like this or something. Or even a boyfriend... But it's not about me, so happy international women's day again, and stay happy and healthy! Thank you for your support! Love you all!)

Camilo Madrigal x (fem!)reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora