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Hello, it's been a very long while huh? I've wanted to take down my story, "Why all the abuse?" for so long but I just couldn't bring myself to do it...

Believe me, I think it's the cringiest thing I have ever created and if any of the people in my actual life knew about this I would literally die. The reason I have not removed the story is because of how many people adored and loved it (I have no idea why though...) Regardless, I have decided to rewrite "Why all the abuse?" one last time.

I can't believe I created this story 7 years ago... but I think this would be the best way to send the story off and actually finish it this time. I hope anyone who reads it, enjoys it.
The elements are going to be changed, obviously, but not so much that the story is unrecognizable.

I am definitely taking out the disgusting parts / going to make them not as fucked up... Jesus Christ, the stuff I wrote when I was 15 is so cringy. I was literally just trying to be edgy and replicate what I saw in other fics... That's pretty much why I hate the story lol.
And you know, it's funny... My perception of Underfell Papyrus has changed so much, he's not even abusive in my interpretation of him anymore. But this story is called "Why all the abuse?" so it's going to break my heart to write this.

Anyway, hope you're ready and hope you enjoy it.


0. WARNINGS: Suggestive Themes, Domestic Abuse, Minor and Severe Violence, Torture Elements, Alcohol, Language.

1. For this fic, Underfell Papyrus is older, a lot of people never liked that in the old story, but I felt that if UF Papyrus was older it would make more sense. BTW he's not much older than Sans, like probably 4-6 months. I know, never specified that in the original but oh well, I guess.

2. Let's make this clear. This fic is not a representation of the original underfell Characters. This is my version of Underfell (An alternate universe of an alternate universe if you will.) so the characters are very different, that's another reason the UF brother's ages are swapped in this fic.

3. The abuse and torture in this story are going to be toned down severely because I can't write a redemption arc for Papyrus if he has literally almost killed his brother MULTIPLE TIMES. I hated that about the original story like, "Oh sorry I broke your bones and nearly murdered you several times... please forgive me?" like wtf was I thinking? -_-

4. I know I wanted people to have the choice to decide if they wanted to read the story with a shippy undertone or a platonic one, but the story is in fact written with platonic relationships. I was never comfortable with incest between the characters before and I'm still not now, so the story is officially platonic, but you are still free to interpret it however you please.

5. Warnings will be added at the beginning of each chapter. Example; Warning: Abusive themes, Alchohol, Language

6. I have been prone to changing stuff in chapters even after posting them. So, you might want to reread the previous chapter before reading a new one to see if anything has changed. Note: I'm trying to stop doing this but you know me.

7. At the end of most chapters, I'll have little fun facts for you to enjoy.

8. The TAGS/NOTES I write here will be added on to as the story progresses. So please keep this in mind.

Why all the Abuse? Remastered*Where stories live. Discover now