I Didn't Expect That

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A/n: This chapter is mostly focused on Tobey.  Like, only Tobey.  It's so I don't go insane.  Skip if ya want.  It is also kind of set a bit before the last chapter.  Then there is a time skip to after the last chapter.

Tobey's POV:

I have recently been messaging Ranboo.  I had made a group chat with myself, Ryan, and him.  We talked in it every day.  Ryan has been opening up to him too.  I've also started developing a crush on him.  I'm going to talk to Ryan about it today.  I have already messaged him and told him to come over.  He agreed and is almost here now.

I am currently sitting outside on the porch waiting for him to come.  I soon see him walking up to my house.  I run out to him and hug him.  I then pull away a bit and kiss him.  He blushes and I lead him inside.

"Let's go to my room!" I told him.

He nodded and I dragged him to my room.

"What do you want to talk about?" Ryan asked.

"I just wanted to talk a bit about our relationship," I started.  "I'm not breaking up with you don't worry!  I just wanted to talk about how we are both poly.  We've never really talked about it so I wanted to."

"That's understandable.  I mean, we both are poly.  I do like another guy also.  Are you ok with that?"

"Yeah!  I do like someone else to.  Who do you like?" I questioned.

"I've kinda started liking Ranboo," Ryan answered.

"NO WAY!  SAME!  THIS WORKS SO WELL!" I exclaimed.

"YES!" Ryan yelled.

"When do we ask him out?" Ryan said.

"How about the next time we see him in person?  This is easier since we already have each other so we won't be lonely if he rejects us," I laughed.

"Yeah," Ryan also laughed.  "Let's do it then."

Time skip to after the last chapter brought to you by my fucking bracket that decided to come off while I was eating pizza :(

Today Ranboo was coming to visit us.  He was also coming to film with Tommy but he said he would come and see us after because we have gotten closer.  He didn't live far but was always busy so we never get to see him.  Ryan was at my house and we were waiting for him to arrive.  

"RYAN!  RANBOO'S HERE!" I yelled as I heard a knock on the door.

I then opened the door and greeted Ranboo.

"Hey Boo!  Ryan is coming!" I smiled as Ryan came around the corner.

"Hey!" Ryan waved.

"Hi guys!" Ranboo said.

"You can meet my parents when they come home!  They are excited to meet you," I laughed.  "For now you can come with Ryan and I to my room!"

I then dragged the two to my room.  I closed the door behind us and we all sat on my bed.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

Ryan looked at me before saying, "Now or later?"

"You guys are doing some weird crap what the heck," Ranboo laughed.

"I'll do it now if you want," I told Ryan, ignoring Ranboo.

Ryan nodded and I turned back to Ranboo.

"Ok, uh, so, Ryan and I have kinda started to like you and were wondering if you wanted to be our boyfriend?" I questioned.

*Insert Fuck Boy Face Here* - Tommyinnit x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now