Chapter 15 - Thinking of you always

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Dedede hopped out of his tank, rage seething through his veins like burning hot lava in the cracks of a volcano. And, that volcano wasn't going to look pretty when it erupted.

His mind taunted him, replaying scraps of the scene over and over. The way you called their names, with such genuine concern too, it had him baffled; too baffled to put into words how much he longed for it to be him instead who had been at the bottom of the cliff as (Y/n) pleaded and shouted for him to move.

His cheeks emitted a radiating heat, causing them to glow a soft rouge. It wasn't just admiration he felt, but lust.
It wasn't simply love; he wanted to hear you plead for him and beg. Then again, not even his servants wanted to cough his name up, so he thought that he was confusing loyalty with lust.

Sighing exaggeratedly, he rolled his eyes and he launched himself onto his throne in a heavy, tackle-like jump. A glass of ice water was delivered by a stressing Waddle Dee, who worried it was going to be crushed under his weight. It scampered away, back into the kitchen it had scrambled out of.

Sipping the ice water, he felt his cheeks heat up as his mind flitted from image to image of (Y/n). His mind got less and less innocent, and he stopped himself before he went over.

I need to calm down..


"I don't know what he'll do next, but it's never a good thing, is it?" (Y/n) murmured, rubbing at her collarbone in a gawky way,"..right.?"

"Absolutely. We should keep an open eye on Dedede; it's not uncommon for him to do irrational things." Meta Knight uttered, glaring at where Dedede previously stood.

He was perfectly aware of the feelings that Dedede had towards her, and how they weren't reciprocated. She'd made it evident, but he was too narcissistic to pay any attention to her, ironically. (Y/n) seemed happy on her own, and that was fine by him.

The only problem was that feelings of his own had manifested, and he wasn't certain of what to do with them. He'd always been known as 'lone' and independent, working solitarily. Emotions were a field that stumped him; he could fight hundreds of thousands of monsters in combat, but he couldn't even be honest with himself when it came to love.

What made it even worse, was how nicely she treated him, regardless of how withdrawing he was. He wasn't the most approachable person, yet she set that aside. Most were intimidated by the aura that he had created, but she saw past the facade of his. She could've chosen to keep silent, but she shouted.

(Y/n) got lost in his florescent green eyes, as hues of lime and mint swirled within them.

"Are you alright?" (Y/n) asked him, gently poking his pauldron.

Snapping out of his trance, he returned to the conversation," I was simply pondering the situation at hand."

"Why would he bother to try and kill the two of you? Are you just an obstacle for him, Meta Knight? Or does he not care for your wellbeing? I don't get it; why would someone kill the person who protects them? That would be like me killing you." She mused, a smirk growing on her thin lips. 

His heart dipped and stopped in his chest as she chuckled lightly to herself, the way she said such a dark thing but sounded so innocently, sickly sweet had him conflicted. He was slightly afraid she would spontaneously go against him like that, but he reminded himself of her loyalty; if she wanted to end him then she wouldn't have shouted to save him. 

"(Y/n)?" He cleared his throat, lowering his head at an angle that gave his eyes a sinister look to them," You would never actually kill a creature, would you?" 

Her eyes snapped open wide, and she almost gasped at the accusation," No..?" 

"I suspected as much from you, (Y/n)." He meant to keep the following as words in his head, but they accidentally came out," You're such a gentile natured, considerate person. You've proven it over and over." 

(Y/n) covered her face in utter embarrassment; she didn't take compliments as well as she was expected to. Hearing him of all people say that made her feel anxious of the standards she'd set for herself. 

"Am I..?" She meekly squeaked, in a voice that was anything but intimidating. 

He realised the mistake, but he refused to admit what he said was wrong, as it wasn't. Instead, he shook his head and answered her question," Definitely. You've proven yourself to be aware of the feelings around you, a trait that is growing less and less common with every generation. Consider yourself a rarity among the naive, narrow-minded people you walk by everyday." 

"Wow.. she whispered to herself. Hearing someone describe her so fondly had her on the brink of tears. She was used to hard housework, chores and complaints, not compliments. Wiping her eyes, she accepted the compliment," Thank you." 

"But are they really that narrow minded?"

"You'll find this village to be, yes. They refuse to stand out; they follow the crowd. They can be great allies, when they feel confident in themselves and aren't cowering away from the next thing that walks on by." He growled, eyes glowing a faint red momentarily. 

"So, do they think I'm a demon beast? I know Fumu doesn't, but she doesn't sound the same as they do." (Y/n) questions, tapping a finger on her chin, jokingly. 

"Likely so. Fumu is more intelligent than the entire village combined; she's an ally that will stand by you, even when the odds are stacked against you. She won't trust the words the village have to say, if she knows that you are in fact an average person."

"But, I'm not 'average' since I'm not originally from this planet. But I mean no harm to anyone! I don't want to be thrown out because I'm different!" She pleaded. 

"It's worthless discussing this in open air, where others can eavesdrop. We'd best head to a more private location where we can discuss more freely." He offered, reaching for her hand. 

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