Chapter 8- In the town

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(Y/n) had to put in a request to get clothes for herself; no other humans lived in Dreamland aside from what used to be her village, so she was forced to wear whatever there was. Luckily enough, the clothing in the castle was comfortable and laid-back, opposed to the coal-black heels that rubbed at the ball of her foot, and the violet dress that wrapped itself around her torso like plastic wrap. Merciless were the clothes she was made to wear previously, a contrast to the casual attire she had been handed.

The dress she'd been given was decent in length; it's skirt surpassed her knees and tickled at the lower region of her legs. It's deep red colouring was a refreshing change in comparison to the bright purple, and that was no problem to her. She'd managed to find her flat shoes that she'd worn before, and realized how worn-down the soles of them were.

I can't wear these..!

Sending a vicious side-eye to the shiny platform heels that she'd begun to resent, she made a bold decision to not wear them again. How she'd dispose of them without the king being informed, she wasn't so sure, but she knew she had to get rid of them.

Thankfully, before she knew it, the castle was lending her a much better pair.


Stepping outside of the castle, she could feel the crisp, morning air brushing against her skin. It's cool, refreshing touch had her gripped.

Dreamland was so beautiful; the lush greenery surrounding the outskirts of the village complimented the clear blue skies perfectly. Any wisps of clouds hung in the air, trotting hesitantly across the sea of blue.

Had she not been running for her life, she would've stopped to admire the scenery. She wasn't the observant sort, but it was a sight to look at.

(Y/n)'s eyes fell on a town sat in front of the castle.

It was of a fair size, reminding her of her own village. She could feel the heat of the flames scratching her skin again, her eyes tinted yellow from the light. Hearing the screams echo in her ears, she grew deaf to the wind's whispers and the rustling of foliage. People were dying around her, and she was too small and frightened to even dare consider helping. Flight was the only option. Tears formed in her eyes, and she watched the flame engulf her own house, swallowing her parents whole. The single thought in her mind was,'At least it was in their sleep.'

Her eyes snapped open to find herself crying uncontrollably, yet silently. (Y/n)'s body was shaking vigorously, her heart beating out of time, as she breathed desperately. Both of her arms were tucked around her torso, giving herself an embrace.

Those thoughts kept..leaking back into her head and there was nothing to do to keep them away.

With tear-stained cheeks, she continued to walk to the town, spirit lower than it had ever been.

I let them die.
It's my fault.

"Are you new around here? Ya look lonely out here!" One of the Cappies chirped.

It was obvious he was a chef of some kind; he held his frying pan high above his chef hat, as though he were trying to scrape the clouds out of the sky and make a meal out of their fragile texture. He wore a single-pocketed apron which was empty.

She perked up and stared him in the eye lazily,"I-I'm fine, just a bit busy."

"Well, if you'd like to come in to sort yourself out, ya can!" He offered, allowing her to follow behind himself.

The restaurant was quite quaint, decorated loosely with tables a fair distance apart. Sure, it wasn't anything special to the locals, who had been tortured by his cooking, but it wasn't a familiar sight. Restaurants and cafés were something her village lacked.

She sort of awkwardly took a seat, directing her view to one of the paintings on the walls; the sunset skyline was perfect against the rippling, frothy waves that glistened in the fading light. A thin white line trailed through the centre, wobbling from side to side. Bashful clouds dotted the sky, and a flock of geese hung over the top, far from the sun.

"Admiring, I see?" He piped up, eyeing her,"It's of the beach in Cappy Town; it's beautiful at sunset."


"..I'm sorry, I've never been to a beach before."

Her statement straightened him up the second she spoke.

"You've never been to a beach?! Well, it's just a lot of sand, really. And water." He told her, acting like she'd never heard of one.

She wasn't stupid, she just hadn't been to a beach. (Y/n) felt she had to tell him that, just so he didn't believe she was an ignorant idiot. After all, she wasn't.

"I..know what a beach is. And, there isn't any sand in the picture." She pointed out, putting him on the spot slightly.

Anxiously rubbing his hands together, he found a topic change to be his way out,"Are you hungry? I'd be more than happy to cook for ya!"

"To be honest, I've had my breakfast. I don't need anything, thank you." She excused, standing up as the chair went backwards. His welcoming smile morphed into a slight look of disgust as she exited his establishment, having not ordered a single thing.

This place is so large, and I want to explore every bit of it but there's too many people. After what happened yesterday, I'd rather avoid everyone.

A luscious cluster of fluorescent greenery proudly beckoned her away from the rest of the town. In her trance like state, she became fixed on it, and nothing could stop her from walking. No amount of pain or ache could stop her.

Through the town, over the fields and into the woods she went, not bothering to turn back.

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