Chapter 11 - Hiding away

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She was too nervous to speak up to him, so she remained silent by the side of her knight.

"Sire, she's made it evidently clear that she declines every one of your advances." He told him, in her defence.

Dedede's smirk morphed into a hateful scowl,"She chooses who she wishes to be with. And, I know there's no resisting me."

(Y/n) clutched the collar of her shirt and drew it up to the bridge of her nose, covering her glowing face.


"No, let her choose. (Y/n), pick one of us; me or Meta Knight." He barked, dictating once more. He pointed to himself and then his disloyal head knight.

One of her hands was on her collar, and the other was covering her face. Her right hand came off of her face and pointed to Meta Knight, before returning to her face.

Dedede was too stunned for words; he gawked wordlessly, breaths jammed in his throat. Even the swordsman was at a loss for words, as he didn't understand if she'd meant it or was saying it to get Dedede to shut up. He wasn't sure whether she meant it in a preference way or a crush way.

"I-I better get going now.." (Y/n) stammered, head down and ready to pace off.

Kirby clung to her ankle, and hugged it tightly. She forgot he was there, but assumed he was too young to get a grip of what had been done.

Locking the door to her room, she sat beside it and curled up into a ball, hugging Kirby tightly. She was hoping that he either forgot immediately or took it in the wrong way and saw it as her claiming she preferred him over the king. (Y/n) wasn't entirely sure it was a crush she had developed, and not just very highly adoration and admiration.

When a knock came echoing on the birch door, her skin crawled in fear. Both of her eyes grew wide and she shouted,"Please, go away! I'm busy right now!"

The nervousness in her voice said otherwise.

"(Y/n), I would just like to discuss something with you. Please open the door."

She bowed her head in shame; she had caused that situation and she wasn't even going to give him a subtle explanation as to what was what.

"I'm sorry, okay?" She murmured back, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. Her chin rested atop her knees as she watch Kirby swing one of her pillows around.

A smile crept up her cheeks as she observed him, seeing him flail the pillow around in circles while chirping satisfactory.

Sighing, she whispered,"Look, I meant what I said; I do like you in that way, but I know it wouldn't work out anyway. I'm some random, invasive peasant girl who nobody here knows. For all you know, I could be something evil or monstrous, but you still took me in, nonetheless, just because you pitied me when I was injured."

"(Y/n).." He softly murmured,"You were in grave danger, you needed assistance. It was never your fault the King ordered a demon beast."

He evaded contrasting the final part, as he wasn't positive that she was evil, nor was he positive that she wasn't. He had taken a liking to her and her timid yet kind nature, and how she was childishly naive. The trait was one that reminded him of Kirby, and how he would befriend every threat that entered Dreamland, to find out their intentions and be crushed by the thought of having a friend sour like that.

His words silenced her, knocking the thoughts from her mind. No response came from her, nothing but a stifled and refrained exhale.

"I'm..I'm sorry to have wasted everyone's time like this. I just..I don't know what to do. Everything I've ever known has been torn down, set aflame and left to burn. I've no relatives to live with, no familiar people to find comfort in. Nothing. Nada." She choked, feeling herself begin to cry,"I-I feel so helpless!"

Kirby aired her an empathetic look from the other side of her room. He was familiar with the concept of arriving in foreign land, left the traverse and find new friends to reside besides. His case wasn't as bitter, as he had no reminiscing memories of relatives, relatives left to burn in the flames of a demon.

"(Y/n), we can help you through this. Consider this a fresh start, opposed to it being the end." He assured her, trying to get her to see it from an alternate perspective.

She lowered her forehead all the way down to her knees, breathing in a heavy lungful,"..Okay..I'll try. I have to be strong, or else I won't get anywhere."

She stopped for a moment to exhale.

"But, if I am to start a new life, where am I to start? Should I try to get a job, or maybe just hide away from everyone like the outcast that I am."

"(Y/n)!" He snapped, unintentionally. He hadn't meant to scold her, but he felt a force urging him to step in,"You have no need to put yourself down."

"You don't get it. It's a human thing; some of us tend to be introverted and fear social situations. Put simply, I don't like people. I get anxious around too many people." (Y/n) explained to him in a calm tone,"Not sure if that is a thing here, or if you're all outgoing extroverts."

It took a moment for Meta Knight to process any of the information she had been enlightened with, but he managed. He made a reminder for himself to not force her to be around too many people, as to not trigger the anxiety. Her use of large, intelligent-sounding words had him stunned, to say the least.

"Kirby, don't eat that pillow!" She shrieked, seeing the child bring the pillow closer to his mouth.

He brought it away from his mouth the moment he was addressed.

Getting up off of the ground, she limped on over to him and shoed him out of the room to think for a moment. His mentor saw the sign and left, knowing it was space she wanted.

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