Chapter 10 - At the castle again

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(Y/n) realised how little she thought of the town. For the majority of her time, she had been resting or wandering from problem to problem. Every problem that she'd had so far was because Dedede wanted to even the score with Kirby, a simple child who's optimism made him ignorant to his intentions. He was constantly around her, purely due to the fact that she'd bribe him with food to get him to be obedient.

At the thought of him, she trained her eyes to her ankle, where he clung tightly. He was aware of her injury, to her great surprise, and made the decision to cling to her uninjured ankle.

The breeze shoved on past her, whirling her hair around, messily. It was cold, incredibly cold for a spring day.


As she stepped in front of the drawbridge, she watched as a cyclops operated it. One pull of a lever and it came stiffly descending for her to stumble across.

She didn't know whether to thank him or not, so she flashed a smile of gratitude his way. In response, he adjusted his belt and saluted.

At times, she forgot that she had to treat as though they were humans. Resisting the urge to scoop an armful of Waddle Dees into a cuddle was very difficult, but she tried. If she really wanted to hug someone, Kirby was at her ankles, ready and waiting.

His sapphire gaze met her own, and tears whipped at the corners of her eyes. He was adorable, and the thought of Dedede mercilessly slaughtering him was a thought that shattered her heart into splinters.

"Kirby, if I was your mother, I would protect you at all costs, no matter what!" She absentmindedly stated aloud,"If anyone were to lay a finger on you, I'd break it!"

"That is why he is training, (Y/n)." She heard from behind her.

Hearing him speak so suddenly made her skin crawl. Had he really just heard her say that?

Covering her bashful face in embarrassment, she stammered,"I-I..When did you get here?"

"I'm merely checking on the both of you, to ensure Dedede causes you no harm." He answered, pushing his cloak out behind him, causing it to ripple.

"I guess we just want what's best for the kid, huh?" (Y/n) playfully joked, squatting down to pick up the child. Gently, he rested in her arms.

He'd anticipated her to ask the same question that everyone else would ask when they saw his face.

"Are the two of you related?"

No such questions came.
Either she was too stupid or too respectful to invade his privacy and, given the latter, he assumed that she didn't want to cause him any discomfort by asking intrusive questions.

"I still don't know what I'm meant to do.." she muttered, not paying much mind to the words that slipped from her mouth,"..Will I live here forever? Or, will Dedede kick me out when he's had his fun?"

He didn't want to weigh down too heavy on her, as the truth would crush her if she was told it, so he told her it in pieces,"He'll keep you around until he grows bored of you."

"He called you cowardly and a traitor earlier; if he were to believe you were a traitor, why does he keep you around? And, why does he call you cowardly, you're so heroic and-" She didn't intend to spill like that, but it was an accident.

He chuckled lightly at her slip up," The King is unpredictable and difficult to understand the intentions of. One moment, he is satisfied with the castle, the next, he has ordered a monster because he's lost his wits over a child."

"Oh.." She murmured,"But, I don't get why he's so against children. Was he bullied as a child?"

His eyes shifted to a florescent light green, and he pondered over her question,"I'm not entirely sure what causes him to pull such stunts, as I've assumed it to be down to his character traits. Perhaps you have a point with what you're saying.."

"I know he's rude, but what if he's in need of some help? What if he's just a bit misunderstood, and he needs somebody to listen to. I probably sound so gullible and easy when I say this, but what if he just needs a friend?" She suggested, taking a shot in the dark. She wasn't entirely sure what she was dealing with, but she could try to understand him a bit better. If they were right, then she'd be to blame for whatever chaos had been caused.

"What's you saying about your good ol' king?" Dedede howled from behind them,"An' what's my cowardly little knight doin' wit' my bride to be?"

She couldn't have been any more uncomfortable than she was at that point. If she were going to reform the king, as she claimed, it would be harder than she'd anticipated.

Holding her breath, she whispered to herself,"I'm so screwed.."

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