Chapter 7 - Breakfast in bed

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The moonlight crept through the crack in her curtains, illuminating the room. Her eyelids sagged, and her mind was prepared to rest, but her heart kept her awake.

Everything had gone on so fast; one second, she was running for her life, fear cutting her mind. Then, ever so suddenly, she was safe from that demon, safely in his arms.

Thoughts stung her mind, some sweet and others as bitter as the scenario she found herself in.

She couldn't sleep; too much was going on and she didn't feel secure in that castle. If anything, she hated the concept of being so close to a king who was blatantly using her for his own gain, while others merely watched, accepting it.


Her eyes opened to a room filled with sunlight. Both curtains were spread, letting the light leak through the crack. It was the first day she would spend conscious in the castle, from start to finish.

Hoisting herself up gently, she caught sight of a tray left by her bedside. To her delight, it was packed with food of all varieties, such as fruit, a croissant, a pain au Chocolat, a bagel, slices of toast and a glass of orange juice, freshly squeezed.

There was a note left on the side of it, written in a delicate cursive.

Dear (Y/n),

I sincerely apologise for the behaviour I exhibited yesterday's evening. Know that you are welcome to stay in this castle for as long as you please, due to the fact that I feel pitiful that you have experienced such a treacherous and traumatic event.

-King Dedede

She stared the card down, not knowing whether she was able to trust the king. True to his word, she would be protected, but everything else was a bit exaggerated. He didn't genuinely pity her for the damage he caused, and he saw it as a way to try and get to her.

I don't know if I can trust him..

As any sane person would, she started eating the food that he had given her. The chance of him being as foolish as to stoop to poisoning her was unlikely.

Picking up the croissant, she admired how perfect it looked. She was a peasant, after all, so she hadn't been treated to luxurious foods like they had.

It's taste was delicate and beautiful, contrasting to the bland, tasteless food she was used to. That single pastry was better than anything she'd ever tried.

As she enjoyed her breakfast, she realised she'd never changed into any form of pajamas, and still wore the vibrant purple dress she had before. Her heels had been kicked aside, untidily in a heap by her door.

A knock came from her door, and she called for them to enter. As much as she despised company, who was she to turn down royal presence, especially since he thought so highly of himself?

Thankfully, it wasn't Dedede who was trying to enter, but rather the same small pink puff from before. His eyes twinkled with a whole solar system of stars, and the sapphire blue of his iris brought them out even more.

Joyfully, he bounded over to her and hopped atop her bed, landing at the foot.

Regardless of how ignorant and careless he was, she found him so cute. It was an opinion was shared vastly.

The toddler sprawled out on the end of her bed, and she made no efforts to stop him. Instead, she fed him one of the oranges she'd left, to his great delight. (Y/n) saw his eyes light up in glee as she set it down in front of him.

In one go, he peeled back the coat. Taking it apart, he eyed it in wonder, not understanding how it worked. Nonetheless, his curiosity didn't hold him back from taking a piece and putting it in his mouth, chewing it slowly as he savoured the juice that flowed.

(Y/n) hoped it wasn't the kind of orange that had seeds in it.

Down the hall, she heard some chattering. Two of the people she had acquainted with were discussing something. She heard the exchange clearly.

"Tiff, you wouldn't have happened to have seen Kirby, have you?"

"He ran into that room there."

"Thank you."

She petted Kirby's head upon hearing him be mentioned. For a Star Warrior and the Saviour of Dreamland, he was laughably short and undeniably cute. He'd not proved anything to her yet, and she didn't know of his potential thus far.

A second visitor was knocking at her door, and she was sure it wasn't the king.

"Come in." She called, holding her hand up and flexing her fingers.

As to be expected, Kirby's mentor came in, tutting at Kirby's behaviour.

"I apologise on his behalf; he can be rather spontaneous when it comes to new guests." He sighed, shaking his head before acknowledging the toddler,"Kirby, it's about time that you train. Dedede could send another demon beast at any given moment."

That last statement made her shiver,"..any given moment..? Does he have any remorse, or does he only think for himself?"

"Given the lack of sympathy, I assume he finds the fuss amusing; watching us fend off threats he sent our way gives him a sort of satisfaction." The older one explained, being unusually straightforward and stating his thoughts.

He wasn't one to be so two-faced to his king, and talk badly about him behind his back, but he understood what the girl had gone through and decided not to hold back; (Y/n) had a bitter opinion of the King as it was, and no breakfasts in bed and baskets of pastries could change that.

Gesturing up towards the younger puffball, he tried to get him off of the end of the bed without having to clamber up and push him off. When he noticed how much he struggled due to the height difference, he stopped trying and wrapped his cape around himself in a slightly flustered manner. Height was a bit of a sore subject for him, and he didn't want her to notice.

(Y/n) pitied him; kids were unrivalled when it came to stubbornness, and no amount of begging or promising could make them change their minds, once their minds had been set straight. Training her eyes on her tray of food, she realized that there was a single pastry left. Picking it up, she offered it to the younger warrior, claiming she had no need for it, since she'd had enough for one meal. The deal was that he would go train, in return. Seeing his eyes light up with gratitude was something to savour.

No amount of words were able to express the relief and thankfulness the older swordsman had. Kirby may be such an adorable sight but, like most children, he could be stubborn.

Kirby plopped off of the bed, taking Meta Knight's hand, and was lead off to go train like he was meant to.

(Y/n) pulled the sheets off herself and let out a prompt yawn, stretching her arms as she did so.

Today was a day like no other.

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