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Will is so hot.

Nico has heard people use that word to talk about people like Will, pretty, attractive, magnetic people, but he means it literally.

He's hot.

His skin is warm to the touch, glowing gold even in the silver light of the moon. He's soft as Nico runs his hands over his chest and waist and arms and thighs and neck, and Nico never wants to touch anything else ever again. He wants to let the feeling of Will's skin be the only thing he remembers.

It feels so good, and so real.

Will's palms burn into him as he touches Nico, as his hands slide over his neck and across his chest and against his face.

Everything he does is so mindful, so careful, like Nico could break, and Nico lets himself believe it, the care and softness, lets himself believe that he deserves it. He lets himself feel delicate, vulnerable, lets himself melt into Will's hands.

Nico sighs, falling forward into him, the softness of Will's touch contrasting the heat of it against Nico's perpetually cold skin.

Nico would let him incinerate him.

- - -

"Will, I..."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I just..."

"What's wrong?"




"Is it okay if I touch you?"


"I won't do anything you don't want me to."

"No, I want you to, I just— I don't..."

"That's okay, I can..."


"We don't have to."

"No, please, I— I trust you."



"Tell me to stop if you want me to."

"I don't... want you to stop."



"Tell me what feels good."


"Good boy."

"Mm, Will."


"You... you too."

"...Me too?"

"Please, bello. I... I wanna feel you."

"Fuck, Nico."



"That feels good. Don't— Don't stop."

"I won't stop. ...You sound so good, darling."


"Oh, fuck."

"Sorry, I—"

"No, that's okay. Do it again. ...Yeah."

"You're so warm."

"You like it?"

"Mmhmm— Shit."

"I've got you. You're doing so well, Nico."

"I'm not even do... doing anything."

"You don't have to. You're so perfect."

"Fuck, Will."




"Amore mio..."

"Fuck. Fuck."

"Will, baciami."

"Darling, I don't know what that means."

"Cazzo, Will, mm. Kiss me."



"I like it when you laugh."

"Your hair is getting in the way."

"...Hold on."


"I'm just moving my hair, baby."


"...Look at that smile."

"You're silly."

"You're beautiful."



"You— Oh."

"My darling."

"I like when you touch me."

"Like this?"

"Mm. But also just... Fuck, just holding your hand. Just when you touch my face, or my— Mm. My hair. It always..."


"You touch me like... Will."

"Like what, darling?"

"Like you care about me, like I..."

"I do care about you, Nico, you're... Gods, you're everything, you have— you have the whole universe in your chest."

"Don't cry, bella."

"When I feel your heartbeat, right here..."


"It feels like... like it's right under my skin, like you're— you're giving it to me— Mm."

"I'd give you anything, amore."


"Fuck, Will, I—"

"It's okay, darling."


"My baby boy..."


"As you wish."

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