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They go back the following Monday, and they meet at the same spot, near Thalia's tree. Will grins when he sees the backpack he's wearing, a black one with hanging straps that match his pants.

Nico holds his hand the whole way, his cold fingers twisted tightly around Will's, letting go so Will can pay for the bus tickets. He also lets go when they stop at a cafe, so Will can pay for their coffee and so they can carry their cups and plates to their table.

"So you really don't like white chocolate?" Will asks as Nico carefully slides his bag under their table.

Nico clicks his tongue, furrowing his brows.

"It's not chocolate," he says, moving his mug away from the edge of the table as he slides into his seat across from Will.

"So you only like dark chocolate?" Will says, lifting his cup of iced coffee to his mouth, hesitating.

"I like milk chocolate sometimes," Nico says. "But dark is the best."


Will takes a sip of his coffee, and Nico watches, turning his fork over in his hand

"That's not coffee," he says dryly when Will raises his eyebrows at him. He looks away, trying not to smile when Will chokes slightly, laughing.

"Why not?"Will asks, watching Nico dig the small silver fork into the pastry on his plate, a flaky, layered pastry covered in powdered sugar.

"It's nearly white," Nico says indignantly, gesturing at it.

"It's not white!"

"It's a very light beige," Nico says, and Will smiles at him.

"It's sweet," Will says. "I like sweet things."

"Mmhmm," Nico hums, taking a bite of the pastry. Powdered sugar covers his lips, and Will's smile grows.

"'S why I like you so much," Will adds, sliding a napkin across the table, and Nico gives him an immense eye roll, looking up at the ceiling for several seconds while Will snickers.

"Yeah, because I'm so sweet," Nico grumbles, wiping his mouth.

"You actually are," Will says, finally taking a bite from his muffin. The blueberries in it are tart. "Especially with my cat."

"Your mom's cat," Nico corrects as he reaches for his mug. He lifts it up, showing Will. "Coffee."

"I didn't know I was going out with a coffee snob," Will says.

"Get used to it."


Nico tries to hide his smile as he shakes his head, unsuccessfully.

- - -

Will leans back on the headboard of his bed, scanning the notifications.

His legs tangle with Nico's, who is laying half on the bed, hanging off it upside down, looking at Lucita. She's swatting at Nico's hands playfully as Nico giggles quietly.

Will smiles before he reads a text from Diego.

yo we should hang out next time you're visiting
maybe for lunch or something
you should bring your husband

Will rolls his eyes, looking past his phone when Nico runs his leg across Will's, his calf gentle on Will's shin. Will can just see his smile, that delighted smile, from where he sits.

where were you thinking

He hesitates for a second before typing again.

can you find somewhere kinda quiet??

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