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Nico is back.

He looks different, even though it's only been two years since Will's seen him. Or heard from him at all. Since Will's had any sign that Nico even exists.  (Of course, not seeing or hearing from him hasn't stopped Will from thinking about him. Nonstop.)

He's following Thalia Grace across camp when Will sees him.

He's taller than Will remembers, like the last few months have stretched him out, and his hair is longer, falling in his face and down his neck. His clothes are still dark, not that Will was expecting otherwise. He wonders briefly if Nico will wear the camp shirts, those horrendously bright orange tees that Will's never particularly liked, though he supposes they do seem to fit his vibe.

Will's hands falter, and he drops the beam he's helping Kayla move to the infirmary. Kayla clicks her tongue in annoyance as he fumbles with it.

"Will," she scolds.

"Sorry, sorrysorry."

"Pay attention."

"I'm paying attention," he says, even as he glances back up to where Nico and Thalia are walking across camp. They look almost the same, about the same height, with dark hair about the same length, both in black despite it being mid-summer.  But Thalia's hair flashes purple as she walks briskly. And Nico's clothes are too big on him, his jacket baggy and oversized in comparison to Thalia's cropped and studded jacket.

Will's chest tightens as they walk away, as he finally set the beam up to where another camper can drill it into place. He wonders if Nico saw him. He hopes not; he would have seen him fumbling with a heavy wooden beam and being scolded by his little sister. But then again, the idea is Nico just looking at him does send a thrill, a shock of electricity, through his stomach.

He wonders why Nico is here. After all this time. Obviously he isn't going to complain.  Obviously.

He finds himself looking for him as he works, holding wood beams in place, trying not to let them fall as he looks over his shoulders and scans the camp.

He doesn't see him again until dinner.

"So, what I was thinking—" Kayla starts, speaking with a full mouth, ready to continue even as Austin and Gracie groan.

"Already?" Austin complains, flopping his 
arm on the table with a thud. "We just sat down."

"We need to make plans," Kayla says. "We're all leaving for school soon—"

"A few months," Will interrupts as Gracie rolls her eyes. "We've got time, Kayla."

"We're going to run out of time before you all know it." She points at each of them

"Will's not even going to school," Gracie points out.

Will drops his fork and raises his hands in wiggling hang loose signs as he leans back in his seat.

"High school graduate, baby."

"So you'll take care of everything we don't finish while we're gone?" Kayla asks.

"I— Yeah, I guess." He picks his fork up again and takes a bite. "I don't have a choice, do I?"

She just gives him a look as she continues eating.

"What do we need to do?" Austin asks, resigned, breaking the silence as they all wait for Kayla to continue. "I thought the infirmary was good."

"It mostly is, I just just it could use a few updates."

"Like what, a new sign?" Austin makes a face.

"No. Well, yeah, if we need one, but I was thinking new supplies, new furniture in the waiting area; those seats are so old, guys."

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