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There are somehow more people at the amphitheater than Will had been expecting. He sits somewhere in the middle, his back against the seats behind him. (It feels nostalgic, sitting like this. It's the same way he sat on the bleachers in his high school gymnasium, watching the basketball games, the cheerleaders. It's more comfortable with his back against the seats, his legs hanging over his own seat, kicking his feet.)

He watches as two campers tie up the tarp, pulling at the branches of a tree until they can wrap the chord around them, tugging the chord to test its strength.

He sighs, tilting his head back and watching as campers move about the amphitheater, pushing past each other, carefully lifting buckets of popcorn to avoid spilling.

Kayla is in his view, and he watches as she holds her hands up, dodging someone's popcorn. When her eyes meet his, she points finger guns at him before she looks past him and grins widely. She walks away as Will furrows his brows in confusion and looks behind him.


Nico approaches Will, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket, glancing around nervously, and Will beams.

"You came."


Nico sits next to him, leaning back and sitting the way Will is, his back to the seats behind them and his legs draped over their own seats. His upper arm presses to Will's.

"What movie are they showing?" he asks quietly, looking around.

"The Princess Bride," Will says, looking at him, hoping his face isn't red. His arm feels hot where Nico's is touching him, even though all he feels against his bare arm is the fabric of Nico's jacket.

"I haven't seen it." Nico looks around again, over his shoulder.

"You'll like it."

Will watches Nico turns slightly, watching the other campers get situated.

"You good?"

"Uh." Nico sighs, turning back to face the front. He doesn't look at Will. "There are a lot of people."

"You okay?"

Nico takes a deep breath, lifting his pocketed hands and dropping them in his lap, his shoulders hunched. His mouth twists, and he leans closer, his arm pressing harder against Will's.

"I'm okay."

The projector clicks on behind them.

The amphitheater fills with hushes and and hisses and whispered of "Sit down!" and "Shut up!"

Will finds himself leaning even closer to Nico as the movie starts, the projection shining over them.

They're close enough that Nico whispers to him.

"Is this the right movie?"

Will chuckles, tilting his head down to whisper back even though he doesn't have to.

"Just watch."

Nico glances at him.

When the other campers laugh lightly, giggling and nudging each other, Nico exhales and his lips purse in a barely-there smile, and Will looks away, mentally scolding himself for staring.

He just looks so pretty.

The projection reflects a soft, almost blue light over his face, and, this close, Will can see the faintest scattering of freckles over the bridge of his nose. His eyes are shiny.

Will sighs.

He tries to pay attention to the movie, but his mind is too focussed on the press of Nico's arm against his, on the way Nico is leaning against him, like he hasn't even realised he's doing it.

even in the silver light Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ