Chapter 16 - Fight

Start from the beginning

I wanted to fight the agents that dragged my limp body down the corridors. But I couldn't move a single limb let alone fight anyone. It doesn't matter how much they torture me because I will never let Steve and Bucky go again. The only way I will ever lose them is if they kill me and if I go down and I am taking Hydra with me.

I was dumped in a bedroom and cuffed to the wall via long chains that were too heavy for me to lift. I knew what was coming next, Rumlow would be here soon. I huddled in the corner my clothes which were now nothing more than torn-up rags provided no warmth as I shivered.

I sat in that position for several hours before the door opened again and Rumlow marched in. "Get up," he barked but I didn't move a single muscle.

I would be damned if I gave him what he wanted. He will have to force me and even then I will fight to my last breath. I didn't even acknowledge him and bored my eyes into the floor. Out of nowhere I was yanked to my feet harshly and I held back a cry of pain but at least I could stand.

It was then that I saw my chance nothing stood between me and the door. I didn't hesitate to sprint towards the door. Before I could even reach the door knob I was grabbed and my head was slammed into a wall causing everything to go dark.

When I gained consciousness I was no longer on my feet. Instead, I was chained to a bed and I could barely move. Rumlow stood over me with a rag in his hand. He quickly pulled it tightly over my nose and mouth. I could barely breathe and the rag smelled like him.

I willed myself not to vomit because then I would choke and suffocate. I watched in horror as he stripped himself while he smiled at me evilly his erection prominent. He slowly crawled over me but I wouldn't stay still. I thrashed and moved to try to get him away from me but the chains restricted my movements and he stilled until his face was above mine.

"Such a pretty little thing," he murmured as stroked my face. But I wouldn't submit, I threw my head forward slamming it against mine. The only problem is I hit him so hard I couldn't see. But I heard his cry of pain but to my dismay, he didn't move off me.

As my vision cleared I realized I made everything worse. "You little bitch. You are just asking to be punished," he growled as he started choking me. I writhed trying to throw off his hand as he slowly cut off my air completely. While he choked me with one hand he ripped off my clothes leaving me feeling dirtier than I would've if I rolled around in the mud.

I was thankful to welcome the darkness. Maybe he would kill me, that's what I want.

Please, if anyone is listening let him kill me. I don't want to live like this.

To my dismay, no one listened. I awoke as I was being dumped into a room I realized was kind of a shower. I stood there naked as a Hydra agent walked in. Everything hurt, my legs were shaking so hard I thought I would fall.

But I willed them to hold me up. I will not appear weak in front of these people. Not again.

I stood there helplessly as the agent hosed me down with the coldest water imaginable. I thought he was done when he turned off the water and left me shivering more than I was before. But he just smiled at me before he turned the water on again but this time it was scolding hot. Hot enough that it might have been boiling. And so the cycle repeated.





Just as I thought the torture would never end the water stopped for the last time and the man grabbed my arm dragging me out of the room. He dragged me a short way before he dumped my cold, aching body on the floor and slammed the door. I lay on the floor shivering as my body screamed in pain.

This is how it went for a long time. I haven't seen the sun or felt the wind in so many days I lost count. Every day I was raped and tortured. Every day they tried to take my memories leaving me on the chair longer each time. They starved me and left me to die only to bring me back just barely.

Each night they dumped me in my cell, not even bothering to lock the door because I was too weak to move. But this time, I was done. I was getting out of here or I would die trying. I willed my aching legs to stand. I gave myself a moment for the world to stop spinning before I moved toward the door.

Just like I expected the door was unlocked. I peeked my head out to see only one guard who was sleeping next to my door. I smiled to myself HYDRA's biggest mistake was underestimating me and they did again. I quietly crept out of my room and snuck towards the guard.

Without a word, I snapped the man's neck in his sleep not making a single sound as I gently lowered his body to the ground. I took his gun and his key guard before I crept further down the hall. As I approached a branch in the hallway I stopped.

I slowly moved my head just barely able to see around the corner. I was surprised to see only one guard at the armory instead of the usual two.

Smiling at HYDRA's stupidity I leaped from my hiding spot and shot the guard in the head just as he noticed me. I stepped carefully over the body and used the other guard's key guard to enter the armory.

I didn't even have to think as I stepped towards the rack of swords not even glancing at the guns. I quickly grabbed one of my swords before I stalked over to the armor. I didn't have time to put on tactical gear so I quickly slipped into black cargo pants and a black shirt before I promptly left the armory behind.

I continued my march down the hallway when I heard a loud explosion followed by the room being thrown into darkness and alarms blaring. It was only a moment before the backup lights turned on. But this time I wasn't alone. In front of me stood about twenty Hydra agents all of whom had their weapons pointed at me.

"Опусти оружие немедленно!" one of the men ordered. (Put down the weapon now!)

"Как черт возьми, я буду. Вам пора прощаться," I growled as I leaped at the nearest agent instantly killing him as I slit his throat. (Like hell I will. It is time for you to say goodbye.)

I immediately went to work twisting, kicking, and slashing gracefully dancing from one agent to another before they all lay at my feet dead. I stood there panting, the little energy I had was nearly gone and I could barely stand. But all of that changed when I heard a voice I never thought I would hear again.


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