Chapter 15 - Found

Start from the beginning

"What if she doesn't remember us?" Steve looked at me as I was slightly taken aback by his broken, tear-filled eyes. All this time Steve has kept up a strong composure though I knew better, seeing him break down, broke me.

"She is stronger than either of us will ever understand. There is only one reason they broke her mind before," I explained.

"What was that?" Steve asked.

"You. When they told her you died she became numb, distant. All her resilience, all her will to survive died when you crashed that plane. When you died she broke, so they broke her mind." I remembered that day well. Seeing one of the strongest people I know break was the worst thing I have ever gone through. "Even then it took them months to wipe her memories."

I looked over to see Steve had tears slowly falling from his eyes. "I'm sorry. I keep failing you. I couldn't stop you from falling off the train, I couldn't save you from Hydra, and I let them take Madison again. If I hadn't crashed that plane I could've looked for you. I could've saved you."

"No Steve," I sighed. "You would've never found us. If you had they would've taken you too, and that is far worse than any torture they could put us through. You couldn't do anything back then, but there is something you can do now. Madison needs us, she needs us to come to find her, and once we find her we will never let her go again."

And just like that, we were in a quinjet racing towards completely ready to tear Hydra apart and get our girl back. All our emotions were put aside and replaced with the need to get Madison back and the want to tear every Hydra agent apart. This was unlike any mission we have ever gone on. Unlike most missions where it's either just the Avengers or the Avengers and some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. We recruited any available field agents along with some help from T'Challa's warriors who were all going to meet us there.

"Alright, Avengers. Our only goal is to find Madison. Everyone else is focused on the actual agents and the base itself. Once we find her we will leave immediately and leave the rest up to S.H.I.E.L.D. T'Challa will also be joining us and Shuri will be in our quinjet as medical in case we need it."

Unlike most missions, Steve wasn't the one going over the plan. It was Tony, Steve was instead staring into the distance clearly not listening fully. But I wasn't fully paying attention either, I was letting my imagination get the best of me and preparing for the worst.

It only took a few hours for us to arrive at our rendezvous point but those few hours felt like a century, each minute one minute too long. By the time we got there T'Challa had already arrived and was waiting for us alongside Shuri.

Tony and Steve went over to greet him while the rest of us stood a few feet back. "It is nice to see you again Captain, Stark," T'Challa is always so formal.

"Thank you for the help your Highness we wouldn't be able to do this without you," Steve responded as he shook his hand.

"It is no problem and please call me T'Challa. Even I learned about Colonel West while I was in school." Sometimes I forget people know our backstories, it's a little weird when people know every part of your life a life I am still missing parts of.

"Colonel West was an inspiration of mine growing up.  I have a vintage poster in my room," Shuri added. "It's part of my collection of badass women in history."

"I think Madison would be very honored," Steve replied.

Just as Tony was about to say something probably snarky a giant plane landed and Agent Coulson walked out. "Captain, Your Highnesses, Stark," Coulson greeted calmly, though a blind person could tell he was excited.

"Coulson are your men ready?" Steve demanded leaving no more room for pleasantries.

"Yes, everything is ready. We are just waiting on you," as Coulson spoke I double-checked all of my weapons.

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